Matthias Lammers' groups

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Public groups in which Matthias Lammers is a member
7 groups in total

  • Sexy Women, Upskirt, Panties and Armpits

    Sexy Women, Upskirt, Panties and Armpits

    Created 16 years ago

    Sexy Women, Upskirt, Panties and Armpits

  • Captive Women, Femmes Captives

    Captive Women, Femmes Captives

    Created 15 years ago


  • Sunbeams


    Created 6 years ago

    Pictures with our sun and its "rays" (sun stars) consciously or unconsciously generated with the camera aperture. Sunbeams MUST be visible! Have fun

  • Black and White

    Black and White

    Created 17 years ago

    All about black and white photography. Black and White only (means: no color-toned monochrome!), please. Moderated. Please no fetish, violance or similar content! We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks. As said: moderated and limited ;)

  • Light


    Created 17 years ago

    ⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Not lamps (artificial light), digital displays, candles, fireworks, the moon or the sun (both only hidden by other things)... ...more the diffused light(s) you find. And shadows created by those lights. Most of the photo should be dominated by lights and/or shadows. Light from objects we don't see on the photo. But we may can imagine.

  • B/W Landscapes

    B/W Landscapes

    Created 11 years ago

    ATTN: If you submit a photo and it is not approved please do not try to submit it again. Please also don't take it personally, this group has become very large so I have restricted the entries and often throw out ones that technically fit the category but I don't feel are high enough quality to be added. It's very subjective.

  • Sunrise-Sunset - - Sonnenaufgang-Sonnenuntergang

    Sunrise-Sunset - - Sonnenaufgang-Sonnenuntergang

    Created 17 years ago

    Der Sonnenaufgang folgt auf die Morgendämmerung, sein Gegenteil ist der Sonnenuntergang. Umgangssprachlich, und zum Beispiel in der Fotografie, wird der Sonnenaufgang von einer Blauen Stunde (vor Sonnenaufgang) und einer Goldenen Stunde (nach Sonnenaufgang) umrahmt. Ursache des Phänomens ist die Erdrotation, die den Ort des Betrachters über die Tag-Nacht-Grenze bewegt. Im Sinne des Überschreitens der kompletten Sonnenscheibe dauert er in den Tropen zwei Minuten, in Mitteleuropa je nach Jahresze…