Ulrich G's groups

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Public groups in which Ulrich G is an administrator
5 groups in total

Public groups in which Ulrich G is a moderator
1 group in total

  • My photo of the day

    My photo of the day

    Created 5 years ago

    A photo that I realized that day*. Every day will be different. It is essential that the date of the photograph is objective. Thank you for not cheating. Only 1 photo per day is allowed. Group necessarily reserved for Ipernity addicts .. ** a tolerance of a few days is allowed

Public groups in which Ulrich G is a member
71 groups in total

  • Silence


    Created 16 years ago

    Images that make us fall silent.

  • Inn signs, guild signs, nose signs, shop signs

    Inn signs, guild signs, nose signs, shop signs

    Created 16 years ago

    There used to be a special ‘culture’ of pub signs; these could not always be preserved. We want to save existing ones from this fate - at least photographically. We want to show pictures in which the nose sign can be seen directly as a motif. The nose sign is a traditional form of advertising. It is an advertising sign that is anchored at right angles to the wall of a pub or shop and protrudes like a nose from the face of the building into the street. It is considered particularly suitable for…



    Created 11 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.

  • Church Interiors

    Church Interiors

    Created 11 years ago

    Any image taken inside of any religious building - fonts, lecterns, hassocks, pulpits, carvings, pillars, pews, etc.

  • Hochsitz


    Created 8 years ago

    Bilder von Hochsitzen.... weil die überall in der Landschaft rumstehen. mal sehen, wie sich das entwickelt, ich möchte ungern moderativ tätig werden müssen ;-)

  • beauty through light

    beauty through light

    Created 16 years ago

    For pictures showing their beauty in luminous colors against a dark backdrop with nice bokeh (blur) – where light comes to show in a special, unusual way. Contributions not corresponding to the group description will be deleted or rejected without comment.

  • Pylons - Masten  -  Pylonen

    Pylons - Masten - Pylonen

    Created 14 years ago

    A group for all photographs of pylons, what else? ;-)

  • Oude gebouwen-kastelen-hoeven-watermolens-kerken-bruggen ed

    Oude gebouwen-kastelen-hoeven-watermolens-kerken-bruggen ed

    Created 6 years ago

    Kastelen--Burchten--Hoeven -farms-watermolens-kerken-etc liefst alleen oudere gebouwen

  • Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Created 11 years ago

    +++ Find and be found by Panoramio Contacts +++ +++ Please only photos which relate to the death of Panoramio +++ The purpose of this group is mainly information exchange between new arrivals from Panoramio and those Panos, who have been here some time already. Post your questions and find useful information in the discussion threads. If you want ro contribute photos as well, these must relate somehow to the death of Panoramio. Photos which have been uploaded to Panoramio do NOT qualify a…

  • dark matter

    dark matter

    Created 8 years ago

    dark - strange - mysterious - threatening - dangerous ... it must be DARK !!! it must be dark, if possible black and white - monochrome possibly with a small bright, inconspicuous coloured dot

  • Zon op komst  en Ondergang

    Zon op komst en Ondergang

    Created 3 years ago

    alle zonsopkomsten en zonsondergangen (Sunrise en Sunset)

  • Germany


    Created 17 years ago

    This group represents all content related to Germany. Deutschland - Germany - Allemagne - Alemania - Tyskland Other Germany-related groups: Baden-Württemberg : Freiburg i. Br.: www.ipernity.com/group/25328 Heidelberg: www.ipernity.com/group/heidelberg Heilbronn: www.ipernity.com/group/25770 Stuttgart: www.ipernity.com/group/stuttgart ... Bayern : Erlangen: www.ipernity.com/group/erlangen Franken: www.ipern…

  • Zoigl & Kirchweih

    Zoigl & Kirchweih

    Created 6 years ago


  • Everyone's Photo Pool

    Everyone's Photo Pool

    Created 11 years ago

    1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be. 2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work. 3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them. 4.…