FAQ's groups

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Public groups in which FAQ is a moderator
2 groups in total

  • Ipernity User Help Central

    Ipernity User Help Central

    Created 17 years ago

    Users helping users Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy? Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members? Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members. A place users can help users...

  • ipernity FAQ work group

    ipernity FAQ work group

    Created 6 years ago

    Work group organized to rewrite the FAQ for transfer to www.ipernity.com/home/2319670 Please only comment in "Free discussion"

Public groups in which FAQ is a member
3 groups in total

  • i-Central


    Created 17 years ago

    i-Central: the Pulse of the Ipernity Community i-CENTRAL IS YOUR GROUP...so get involved and be active! The more you contribute, the better you make YOUR group!! Don't be shy, we have so many great threads and so many great people here. So, instead of just looking at the threads, post in them!! A group for all Ipernity members to share images, stories and ideas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Christmas Time / Noel / Weihnachten

    Christmas Time / Noel / Weihnachten

    Created 17 years ago

    Merry Christmas to all! I know that Christmas is the most important holiday of the year, and the time when all of you feel heavenly, so let's share pictures that express our emotions in that period of time. NO computer generated images! NO illustrations! NO Christmas cards!

  • Tolerance


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…