The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.)
Have fun with it!
Please note:
- Only one image a week!
- No nude pictures!
- Respect the start and stop signs!
Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
Let's explore walls.
Walls protect, walls limit.
Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly.
There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers.
Walls are a substantial part of our history...
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché.
All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up .
Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme
Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata.
Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
UNIQUEMENT des créations artistiques en peinture, sculptures, abstracts et photos d'art. Pas d'images choquantes ou photos sans originalité.
Je me réserve le choix des œuvres soumises -et de supprimer tout ce qui ne serait pas en rapport avec le thème. PAS DE FRACTALE, MONTAGES etc...
Pictures of Wales and all things Welsh welcome here!
Mae croeso yma i luniau o Gymru a phob pethau Cymraeg!
You are welcome to join and post your best photos, no need for an invitation.
Images of UK Railways - modern freight, passenger and heritage / historical - including London Underground and similar. No restrictions on gauge nor motive power.
A showcase for your beautiful photos or videos that have received at least 700 views or a minimum of 50 faves, whichever comes first.
When you get to 60 faves, post to ⭐60 faves⭐
When you get to 70 faves, post to ⭐70 faves⭐
Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein.
Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w.
The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot.
No more Red flowers !!!
The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure )
ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…
Architecture can be old or modern.
Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old.
L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne.
Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Peter_Private_Box is a member60 groups in total
The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)
Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...
''Le palais des tentations- Il palazzo delle tentazioni- The palace of temptations- Der Palast der Versuchungen- El palacio de las tentaciones "
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché. All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up . Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata. Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
Un point jaune
The photo should feature a yellow dot, but this should never be the main colour.
Hommage à notre cher ami Ulrich John disparu hier après une longue maladie-Tribute to our dear friend Ulrich John who died yesterday after a long illness-Gedenken an unseren lieben Freund Ulrich John, der gestern nach langer Krankheit verstorben is
surtout exprimez-vous avec respect envers la personne et ceux qu'elle a aimés de son vivant et qui souffrent!
Schönheit des Alterns
Wir zeigen spannende Farben, Formen, Charaktere und Kontraste des Alterns. Das kann Menschen betreffen, Gebäude, Bäume, Maschinen...
UNIQUEMENT des créations artistiques en peinture, sculptures, abstracts et photos d'art. Pas d'images choquantes ou photos sans originalité. Je me réserve le choix des œuvres soumises -et de supprimer tout ce qui ne serait pas en rapport avec le thème. PAS DE FRACTALE, MONTAGES etc...
AI Generated Images
Images generated by artificial intelligence can be posted here. In addition, this group is an invitation to engage in discussions on this topic.
Wales Cymru
Pictures of Wales and all things Welsh welcome here! Mae croeso yma i luniau o Gymru a phob pethau Cymraeg! You are welcome to join and post your best photos, no need for an invitation.
Pictures of railway related stuff from the UK!
Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes
All kinds of original or shared book boxes and nothing else
UK Rail Photography & London Underground
Images of UK Railways - modern freight, passenger and heritage / historical - including London Underground and similar. No restrictions on gauge nor motive power.
Railway Logos, Signs, Symbols and Graffiti
Railway Logos, Signs, Symbols and Graffiti on trains / tubes / metro / freight ... old and new. Items in bad taste will be removed without warning
⭐The 700+ Club (or 50+ faves)⭐
A showcase for your beautiful photos or videos that have received at least 700 views or a minimum of 50 faves, whichever comes first. When you get to 60 faves, post to ⭐60 faves⭐ When you get to 70 faves, post to ⭐70 faves⭐
Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point
Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein. Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w. The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot. No more Red flowers !!!
"Oh! Mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes" - "Oh, mare, nessuno conosce le tue ricchezze più intime"- "Oh Meer, niemand kennt deinen inneren Reichtum" - "Oh, sea, no one knows your innermost riches" -
Mers et océans, rochers,côtes et rivages, plages de sable et falaises toujours au bord de l'eau de mer exclusivement
Transport World
The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure ) ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…
◉Historical & Architectural Gems
Architecture can be old or modern. Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old. L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne. Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.
Alles met Sneeuw
Alleen alles met sneeuw ( geen onzin) wordt geaccepteert
"Que c'est beau une ville la nuit"-"How beautiful a city is at night"-"Wie schön ist eine Stadt bei Nacht"
la beauté d'une ville la nuit