Photos showing different impressions of the port of Hamburg in Northern Germany. Containers, ships, office buildings, industry - all the things you can find on the Elbe in the port of Hamburg.
Users helping users
Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy?
Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members?
Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members.
A place users can help users...
Gesucht werden Beispiele für brutalistische Architektur, eine weltweite Baurichtung aus den Jahren ca. von 1950 bis 1980
Worldwide brutalism architecture from 1950 through 1980.
Wer mehr wissen möchte:
Brutalism on wikipedia:
EN: Brutalist Architecture
DE: Brutalismus
FR: Brutalisme
Soviet brutalist architecture:
Couleur ou N&B, vos plus belles photos de voyages sont acceptées après validation. Je suis obligé de filtrer car les consignes des groupes libres, ne sont pas toujours respectées. Pas de photos animalières en gros plan, sauf si elles sont contextualisées.
IMPORTANT : toute photo doit comporter une légende indiquant le lieu de la prise de vue. Au moins le pays. Elles doivent également présenter un minimum de qualité. Les photos qui ne respecteront pas ces pré-requis seront refusées. Merci de vot…
Der Sonnenaufgang folgt auf die Morgendämmerung, sein Gegenteil ist der Sonnenuntergang. Umgangssprachlich, und zum Beispiel in der Fotografie, wird der Sonnenaufgang von einer Blauen Stunde (vor Sonnenaufgang) und einer Goldenen Stunde (nach Sonnenaufgang) umrahmt.
Ursache des Phänomens ist die Erdrotation, die den Ort des Betrachters über die Tag-Nacht-Grenze bewegt. Im Sinne des Überschreitens der kompletten Sonnenscheibe dauert er in den Tropen zwei Minuten, in Mitteleuropa je nach Jahresze…
Fotos gemaakt in Nederland
Pictures shoot in The Netherlands
Uitnodiging :
Prachtig Nederlands plaatje! Wil je overwegen dit te plaatsen in <a href=" "> Nederland </a> Dank je!
Gezien in <a href=" "> Nederland </a>
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
This group is only for photos taken within city limits and must portray either , buildings, streets, people, construction sites, transport, street scape, city scape as long as it is in the city.So even if you have graffiti, or your own creative city themed artwork, then this group is for you. This group covers a lot of different types of photography from coloured, HDR, Black and White etc, etc. Do not post images of plants, animals, pets, insects etc, etc as they will be removed.
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Public groups in which Thomas R. is a member289 groups in total
Port of Hamburg (Germany)
Photos showing different impressions of the port of Hamburg in Northern Germany. Containers, ships, office buildings, industry - all the things you can find on the Elbe in the port of Hamburg.
700 to 799 views
Ipernity User Help Central
Users helping users Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy? Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members? Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members. A place users can help users...
Architecture of Brutalism - brutalisme architecture - Brutalismus Architektur
Gesucht werden Beispiele für brutalistische Architektur, eine weltweite Baurichtung aus den Jahren ca. von 1950 bis 1980 Worldwide brutalism architecture from 1950 through 1980. Wer mehr wissen möchte: Brutalism on wikipedia: EN: Brutalist Architecture DE: Brutalismus FR: Brutalisme Soviet brutalist architecture:
Islands of the world
Become a GEO Reporter and publish your pictures of islands of the world.
Everything about railways, trains, tracks... I think you get the idea... ;-)
bilder von niedersachsen. mehr erstmal nicht.
A place to share photos made with your iPhone
London : Capital City
High quality, well-composed and titled or captioned photographs with London as their subject.
The Group for all cemetery-pics. Please tag your pics with the name of the city, thank You!
Travel photos/Photos de voyage
Couleur ou N&B, vos plus belles photos de voyages sont acceptées après validation. Je suis obligé de filtrer car les consignes des groupes libres, ne sont pas toujours respectées. Pas de photos animalières en gros plan, sauf si elles sont contextualisées. IMPORTANT : toute photo doit comporter une légende indiquant le lieu de la prise de vue. Au moins le pays. Elles doivent également présenter un minimum de qualité. Les photos qui ne respecteront pas ces pré-requis seront refusées. Merci de vot…
Breakfast - the best meal of the day
Show us your breakfast - full English, porridge, pastries. However you start your day.
the river elbe in the northern part of germany - pictures of the river, the region, ships on it ...
Scene of life/Scène de vie
Apple iPhone Camera Photos
This group is only for photos taken WITH the Apple iPhone
Sunrise-Sunset - - Sonnenaufgang-Sonnenuntergang
Der Sonnenaufgang folgt auf die Morgendämmerung, sein Gegenteil ist der Sonnenuntergang. Umgangssprachlich, und zum Beispiel in der Fotografie, wird der Sonnenaufgang von einer Blauen Stunde (vor Sonnenaufgang) und einer Goldenen Stunde (nach Sonnenaufgang) umrahmt. Ursache des Phänomens ist die Erdrotation, die den Ort des Betrachters über die Tag-Nacht-Grenze bewegt. Im Sinne des Überschreitens der kompletten Sonnenscheibe dauert er in den Tropen zwei Minuten, in Mitteleuropa je nach Jahresze…
Nederland / The Netherlands
Fotos gemaakt in Nederland Pictures shoot in The Netherlands Uitnodiging : Prachtig Nederlands plaatje! Wil je overwegen dit te plaatsen in <a href=" "> Nederland </a> Dank je! Commentaar Gezien in <a href=" "> Nederland </a>
A Story Behind the Photograph
Please, put a short paragraph of your original text under the photo. Two sentences at least plz.
Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
City Shots
This group is only for photos taken within city limits and must portray either , buildings, streets, people, construction sites, transport, street scape, city scape as long as it is in the city.So even if you have graffiti, or your own creative city themed artwork, then this group is for you. This group covers a lot of different types of photography from coloured, HDR, Black and White etc, etc. Do not post images of plants, animals, pets, insects etc, etc as they will be removed.