Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle ! - Fahrräder, vélos, biciclette - everything similar to a bycicle : tandems, rickshaws, bibicis, all of them - thank you!
Electrical bycicles are allowed but no motorcycles.
The bike should be the main subject of the photo. Please no more photos with a bicycle somewhere in the background or on the edge.
Clair-Obscur :
Sens 1 - Mélange et opposition des lumières et des ombres dans un tableau, une gravure... [Beaux-arts].
Sens 2 - Lumière tamisée, douce, diffuse.
Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici.
Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour.
Type de médias accepté : photos.
Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie !
The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography!
La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage!
La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché.
All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up .
Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme
Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata.
Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
Alles über die Pause zwischendurch...
Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen...
Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses !
À propos des pauses ...
Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ...
Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises!
All about the breaks ...
Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ...
Sugar, bisc…
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK), Great Britain (GB), or simply Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland & Wales), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands.
Please add your photos that showcase the UK.
Anything Air Transport, to include Airplanes, Helicopters, Gyrocopters, Airships, Hot Air Balloons, Gliders, Hang- Gliders etc. Aircraft related only please. :-)
Thanks to Canadian Pacific for use of his photo for the banner. PDR / MLN
Atmosphäre von Kaffeehäusern,Terrassen, Bars ect.
Fotos von Getränken ,Tassen und Gläsern ,Tischen,Services Kellnern usw.
Ambiance des terrasses ,photos des consommations,tasses et verres.
Les tables ,les service . . . ..
Bilder aus Ostfriesland - wer hätte bei dem Gruppennamen anderes erwartet? Alle Inseln, alles Festland, alle typischen Bilder!
Pictures taken in or dealing with the region Ostfriesland in Germany...
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Thomas R. is a member289 groups in total
Bicycles-Fahrräder-vélos-biciclette: tandems, rickshaws, bibicis
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle ! - Fahrräder, vélos, biciclette - everything similar to a bycicle : tandems, rickshaws, bibicis, all of them - thank you! Electrical bycicles are allowed but no motorcycles. The bike should be the main subject of the photo. Please no more photos with a bicycle somewhere in the background or on the edge.
...Black & White Every Day...
Nur schwarz/weiß Fotos Only black/white photos Uniquement les photos noir/blanc
Clair-Obscur / Darkness-Light
Clair-Obscur : Sens 1 - Mélange et opposition des lumières et des ombres dans un tableau, une gravure... [Beaux-arts]. Sens 2 - Lumière tamisée, douce, diffuse. A VOUS DE JOUER !
Clouds and water - Wolken und Wasser
Wolken zusammen mit Wasser ist das zentrale Thema der Gruppe. Alles andere ist schmückendes Beiwerk.
100+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 250+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
La nature
Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica " Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
50+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 100+ visits 250+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
''Le palais des tentations- Il palazzo delle tentazioni- The palace of temptations- Der Palast der Versuchungen- El palacio de las tentaciones "
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché. All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up . Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata. Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
A Coffee and Tea Time Alles über die Pause zwischendurch... Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen... Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses ! À propos des pauses ... Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ... Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises! All about the breaks ... Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ... Sugar, bisc…
United Kingdom (UK)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK), Great Britain (GB), or simply Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland & Wales), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Please add your photos that showcase the UK.
Air Transport Of The World
Anything Air Transport, to include Airplanes, Helicopters, Gyrocopters, Airships, Hot Air Balloons, Gliders, Hang- Gliders etc. Aircraft related only please. :-) Thanks to Canadian Pacific for use of his photo for the banner. PDR / MLN
Avions - Planes - Flugzeuge
Photographies d'avions
Passenger [Cruise] Ships Cruise-Liner and ferries
To share photos of ocean going passenger cruise ships from around the world.
Down the road I go
This is a group for roads, streets, paths.
Anything seaside
Beaches,piers,docks,harbour's,boats,ships ect you get the idea
Roads to follow
Roads, tracks and paths.
Kaffeehaus Ambiente - Terrases de cafè
Atmosphäre von Kaffeehäusern,Terrassen, Bars ect. Fotos von Getränken ,Tassen und Gläsern ,Tischen,Services Kellnern usw. Ambiance des terrasses ,photos des consommations,tasses et verres. Les tables ,les service . . . ..
Trainz and Tramz From Around The World
Steam, Diesel and Electric trains and Trams From Around The World. This is to include Narrow Gauge and Underground Trains.
Bilder aus Ostfriesland - wer hätte bei dem Gruppennamen anderes erwartet? Alle Inseln, alles Festland, alle typischen Bilder! Pictures taken in or dealing with the region Ostfriesland in Germany...