Helena Ferreira's groups

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Public groups in which Helena Ferreira is an administrator
7 groups in total

  • Old barns

    Old barns

    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of old BARNS all over the world

  • Slogans


    Created 9 years ago

    To post photos of slogans or proverbs in any language (with a translation into other languages if possible!) preferably witty/humorous

  • Two colours

    Two colours

    Created 9 years ago

    To show photos in which the main subject has two distinct colours. Photos must be colour, no black and white please!



    Created 9 years ago

    Let's celebrate! WELCOME to our group dedicated to your best images about: HOLIDAYS, FESTIVALS, CELEBRATIONS, OBSERVANCES, ANNIVERSARIES. It is NOT about being-on-holidays & vacation pics! Keep in mind that we're a 'FAMILY FRIENDLY' place. Show your respect & support to our members by commenting on the minimum of 2 other images in the pool. Please, INVITE your friends to join us too.

  • Art by Coolpix

    Art by Coolpix

    Created 9 years ago

    art-coolpix.group.ipernity.com Montrer toutes les images photographiés avec un appareil Nikon Coolpix , quel que soit sa dénomination... nikoneurope-de.custhelp.com Les dates " EXIF " sont absolument de rigueur !!! Die " EXIF " Daten sind Absolut unerlässlich !!!The "EXIF" data are essential !!! I dati "EXIF" sono indispensabili !!!

  • " Fêtes - Celebrations - Celebrazione - Feste "

    " Fêtes - Celebrations - Celebrazione - Feste "

    Created 9 years ago

    family.celebrations.group.ipernity.com</a Toutes sortes de fêtes , en famille ,en groupe , kermesses et autres... Alle Arten von Festen ,in der Familie , Gemeinschaftsfeiern , Kirmes , o.ä...

  • La casa di Nadia & Valerio

    La casa di Nadia & Valerio

    Created 11 years ago

    Nella casa di Nadia & Valerio belle foto con interessanti didascalie ( non è obbligatorio ) che aiutino a conoscere meglio ciò che si è fotografato. Si prega di assicurarsi che le informazioni siano corrette In the house of Nadia & Valerio beautiful photos with interesting captions ( it is not mandatory ) that help to understand better what has been photographed. Please make sure that the information is correct. gruppo creato mercoledì 8 gennaio 2014

Public groups in which Helena Ferreira is a moderator
3 groups in total

Public groups in which Helena Ferreira is a member
157 groups in total