Jeff Farley's groups

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Public groups in which Jeff Farley is a member
113 groups in total

  • West of England

    West of England

    Created 5 years ago

    Images from the beautiful and historic counties that make up this wonderful area, Especially those that show the beauty and interesting locations in the west country, GPS if possible!

  • 16:9


    Created 14 years ago

    Photos in 16 / 9 format No panoramic or other photos All subjects are accepted, except the shocking ones

  • umbrellas


    Created 3 years ago

    Umbrellas - as protection against rain, sun Schirm, parasol, umbrella, garden umbrella, ombrellone, ombrelli, parapluie, umbrella, paraguas , The word umbrella - Middle High German 'schirm' and Old High German scirm or skirm "protection". Please no big city views where small umbrellas appear somewhere !!!! The umbrella - or parts of an umbrella should be the focus!

  • fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma

    fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma

    Created 17 years ago

    Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination. In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.

  • Lighthouses


    Created 17 years ago

    LIghthouses from all around the world. This group is about anything to do with lighthouses, the keepers, the stations themselves, fresnel lenses, lamp & reflector systems, lighthouse museums, etc. Please name the lighthouse, whenever possible - Thanks

  • HFW--Happy-Flexy-Wednesday


    Created 4 years ago

    Allle water opppervlakten--dus rivieren-beken-plassen-vijvers-zee- etc etc ALLEEN WATER !

  • Worldphoto


    Created 15 years ago

    - Schöne Fotos aller Art ( kein Porno) - Spass und Austausch von Gedanken - Fototips von Mitglieder für alle und vieles mehr - Beautiful Photos - Blumen / Flowers - Landschaften / Landscape - Städte / Citys - Tiere / Animals ........ - De belles photos de toutes sortes (pas de porno) - du plaisir et l'échange d'idées - Fototips pour tous les membres de, et bien plus encore - Beautiful Photos - Fleurs / Flowers - Paysages / Landscape - Villes / Citys - Animaux / Animals ....... .(French with T…

  • Flo.Fam.: Poaceae , cyperaceae, joncaceae, "herbes , graminées, grasses , Gräser , Césped ...,

    Flo.Fam.: Poaceae , cyperaceae, joncaceae, "herbes , graminées, grasses , Gräser , Césped ...,

    Created 4 years ago

    Rassembler de belles photos de ce que nous appelons communément des herbes , donc des graminées ou poacées, des cypéracées et des joncacées qui sont proches La plante doit être le sujet principal, ou être bien visible. Dans les Cypéracées , les plus connus sont les carex ou laiches , des scirpes , des cyperus ( souchets , Papyrus ) Dans les Joncacées , les plus connus sont les Joncs , les Luzules , les linaigrettes ou Eriophorum .... Quant aux Poacées ou Graminées , ce sont aussi bien des cu…

  • Nia Klubo

    Nia Klubo

    Created 4 years ago

    If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…

  • 100 Percent Perfect

    100 Percent Perfect

    Created 10 years ago

    NO photos of food | NO garden flowers | NO cats, dogs & other pets | QUALITY PHOTOS WELCOME!

  • Espléndido macro y primer plano

    Espléndido macro y primer plano

    Created 7 years ago

    Submit macro & close-up photos, whatever the nature of the subject, I'm counting on you to keep "Special Macro" & Close-ups alive! Welcome to all!

  • Magical sunlight

    Magical sunlight

    Created 12 years ago

    Sunrises and sunsets. Sunbeams in the forest Lights and shadows



    Created 5 years ago

    Une vitrine de superbes images macro et gros plan de la NATURE UNIQUEMENT! PAS D'ANIMAUX ! Seuls les insectes sont acceptés♫ Aucun résumé, AUCUNE photo monochrome / noir et blanc. Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer toutes photos qui ne seraient pas conformes ! merci ♫ A showcase of stunning macro and close-up images of nature ONLY! No summary, NO monochrome / black and white photos. We reserve the right to delete any photos that do not comply! thank you ♫ Un escaparate de magníficas imá…

  • 4 Seasons - Summer

    4 Seasons - Summer

    Created 17 years ago

    A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter

  • Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Created 17 years ago

    Winter presents itself in very different ways in the different climate zones of the world. Here we would like to show winter pictures from the temperate climate zones . Nature is at rest there. Landscapes are often covered in hoar frost or snow, bodies of water in ice. No festive greetings please! For winter pictures from warmer regions, see: ► Winter (in subtropischen Klimazonen)

  • "L'héphémère" pour le plaisir des yeux

    "L'héphémère" pour le plaisir des yeux

    Created 5 years ago

    ... quelques secondes à quelques minutes tout ce qui ravit l'oeil ! Un arc en ciel,une goutte d'eau suspendue,une ombre portée élégante,un crépuscule, un reflet, un rai de lumière, la lune dans les nuages, des traces ou des motifs sur le sable, un ciel nuageux et plus encore !

  • Autumn colours

    Autumn colours

    Created 15 years ago

    pictures, personal paintings,landscapes, connected wtih the variationof autumn colours . Be creative.



    Created 9 years ago

    WELCOME to Proxiphotographie or Big Macro Bugs photos must be insects in Macro or big Proxi and shown in an artistic way if possible or in poorly usual positions / SUMMARY * inappropriate images are deleted without warning in order to keep the actual content of the criteria group, an original macro of common insects can not be accepted, I will judge piecemeal * color is mandatory, welcome to MEMBERS * the contribution is fixed at 5 photos / day Copy & paste ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ <a href=" www.…

  • Butterflies of Britain and Europe

    Butterflies of Britain and Europe

    Created 11 years ago

    I have set this group up to showcase the colour and diversity of Butterflies found all over Britain and Europe. From the common to the very rare, all are very welcome. Please post only high quality images, with clear focus and unobstructed views. There is a limit of 5 images per day, otherwise no formal rules apply.

  • Leaves


    Created 17 years ago

    This is a place for the best leaves-shots. For blossoms there are already enough flower-groups. Leaves single or loads of them should be the mainmitif or at least be an essential part of the picture.