Je vous propose de rassembler dans ce groupe la musique que vous aimez, en particulier la musique du monde afin de créer un lieu de partage, de tolérance et d'ouverture. Soyez les bienvenus parmi nous.
Les images accompagnées de musique et les vidéos seront acceptées.
Villes vues d'un point de vue SURELEVE,(,panorama),vue d'avion également
uniquement les villes ,pas les villages
Any kind of sweets,cakes,pastries,chocolates,ice-creams,tartes,puddings,jams,marmelades,sweet pies,candies and sweet beverages,honey and enything that contains sugar even sweet drinks....In short everything that makes our mouth water...All we, that have a 'sweet tooth' let us enjoy our innocent tasty sins...!!
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation.
I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well.
To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Alles, aber:
Du musst das Veröffentlichungsrecht haben! Keine fremden Bilder aus dem web!
"Künstlerische" Fotos; keine Schnappschüsse.
Keine heimlichen Aufnahmen / candid shots !
Geschmackvolle Aktbilder sind willkommen.
All, but:
No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No netfinds!
"Fine art" photos; no snapshots.
No candid shots !
tasteful nudes are welcome
Any photo with 300 to 400 views. Anything goes as long as if's a photo you yourself took. Tasteful nudity is allowed. Porn isn't. Absolutely no web pics! --
Other groups:
50-100 Views --
100-200 Views --
200-300 Views --
400-500 Views
This group is for the opposite of documentary photography.
Every kind of digital manipulation is appreciated: Change the colors, fake real film effects like cross processing or make your pictures look lomo like, make day to night and night to day, bring people together they never met.
Be creative and show us what you can do with Photoshop or other software!
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility.
Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists.
If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Daniel Dominguez is an administrator3 groups in total
Mes Préférences à Moi
Your favorite photos among all those you come across as you walk through the Ipernity galleries!
Showing tenderness under all kinds of variations, except pornographic...
Every artwork that is made with free stock limit about the treatment...(HDR,texturisation...etc)
Public groups in which Daniel Dominguez is a member24 groups in total
Photos, portraits of humans.& Animals, with all the expressions they transmit away.
Je vous propose de rassembler dans ce groupe la musique que vous aimez, en particulier la musique du monde afin de créer un lieu de partage, de tolérance et d'ouverture. Soyez les bienvenus parmi nous. Les images accompagnées de musique et les vidéos seront acceptées.
Villes vues d'un point de vue SURELEVE,(,panorama),vue d'avion également uniquement les villes ,pas les villages SVP: LE NOM DE LA VILLE ET DU PAYS CITIES SUPERIOR To 5000 INHABITANTS VILLES SUPERIEURES A 5000 HABITANTS
BLEUNIENN / FLOWER in memoriam to Mahuphidos **********
Preferably a single flower, not a bouquet or landscape! thank you all♫
Vroom, Vroomm..!
car, airplane, motorcycle, truck,..... all vehicles are welcome
Any kind of sweets,cakes,pastries,chocolates,ice-creams,tartes,puddings,jams,marmelades,sweet pies,candies and sweet beverages,honey and enything that contains sugar even sweet drinks....In short everything that makes our mouth water...All we, that have a 'sweet tooth' let us enjoy our innocent tasty sins...!!
Knigths of the Round Table ( Reloaded)
A group to share whatever makes you stop, think, look, smile or just dream.
Crocus flowers of any colour and variety
lignes..des lignes...( plutôt..Architecturales... )
la ou les lignes dans tout ses états ...non figuratif ou figuratif, couleurs ou nb . imagination, esthétisme et surtout faites vous plaisir !!!
Bright red
The photo must be at least 50% bright red
Red Flowers
Αll Red Flowers...only Flowers and only Red
Art is Art
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation. I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well. To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
fine art
Alles, aber: Du musst das Veröffentlichungsrecht haben! Keine fremden Bilder aus dem web! "Künstlerische" Fotos; keine Schnappschüsse. Keine heimlichen Aufnahmen / candid shots ! Geschmackvolle Aktbilder sind willkommen. ------------ All, but: No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No netfinds! "Fine art" photos; no snapshots. No candid shots ! tasteful nudes are welcome
300-400 Views
Any photo with 300 to 400 views. Anything goes as long as if's a photo you yourself took. Tasteful nudity is allowed. Porn isn't. Absolutely no web pics! -- Other groups: 50-100 Views -- 100-200 Views -- 200-300 Views -- 400-500 Views
Manipulated reality
This group is for the opposite of documentary photography. Every kind of digital manipulation is appreciated: Change the colors, fake real film effects like cross processing or make your pictures look lomo like, make day to night and night to day, bring people together they never met. Be creative and show us what you can do with Photoshop or other software!
0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
This group is being created for users of Nikon related products