Bruselo's groups

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Public groups in which Bruselo is a member
7 groups in total

  • Script


    Created 17 years ago

    Photos and other documents relating to typography, calligraphy, alphabets, writing systems and the like

  • Bicycles-Fahrräder-vélos-biciclette: tandems, rickshaws, bibicis

    Bicycles-Fahrräder-vélos-biciclette: tandems, rickshaws, bibicis

    Created 17 years ago

    Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle ! - Fahrräder, vélos, biciclette - everything similar to a bycicle : tandems, rickshaws, bibicis, all of them - thank you! Electrical bycicles are allowed but no motorcycles. The bike should be the main subject of the photo. Please no more photos with a bicycle somewhere in the background or on the edge.

  • Amigos del Museo de Esperanto de Subirats

    Amigos del Museo de Esperanto de Subirats

    Created 14 years ago

    Divulgar y apoyar la iniciativa popular que propone que la Biblioteca Pública que se construirá en Subirats según el Mapa de la Lectura Pública de Catalunya estigui especialitzada en Esperanto entrant a formar part així del conjunt de biblioteques amb fons especials temàtics de la Xarxa de Biblioteques Públiques de Catalunya. La Biblioteca Pública haurà de contenir el fons del Museu d'Esperanto de Subirats

  • Naturamikantoj


    Created 17 years ago

    Loko por amikoj de la naturo en la Esperanto! Afiŝu viajn interesajn fotojn naturrilate kaj bonvolu diskuti, skribi pri la naturo!

  • Tibet and its culture

    Tibet and its culture

    Created 17 years ago

    every photo is welcome which shows Tibetan landscape, Tibean cultur, Tibetan people and Tibetan Lama Buddhism in and outside Tibet

  • ELIR-Friends


    Created 17 years ago

    Esperanto literature, language development, synonyms, proposals for new words and expressions, discussions about Esperanto and its structure, free discussions and an exchange of opinions with supporters of other planned languages. Suggestions and proposals in collaboration with the Google ELIR group (Esperanto Literatura Internacia Rondo)

  • Esperantojo


    Created 17 years ago

    This is the place to post everything related to the Esperanto social community: photos, films and audios made during Esperanto events, Esperanto in public life, etc. Photos of Esperanto speakers should not appear here, but in the group "Esperantists".