Gediche und Zitate auf Fotos oder die gut zu dem Foto passen.
Auf lange Sicht planen wir, eventuell ein Ratespiel damit zu verbinden; und wir haben auch schon eine Idee:
Jemand denkt sich einen Spruch/ein Zitat aus, sucht unter seinen Bildern etwas Passendes und lädt es hoch. Die anderen dürfen/müssen/können raten, um welchen Spruch es sich handelt.
[Denkbar wäre auch "andersrum": Wer findet das passendste Fot zu einem vorgegebenen Spruch?]
Aber erst müssen wir mehr Mitglieder haben, sonst macht…
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding.
No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted.
Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…
We want to show, how beautiful, proud, sad or ugly a tree, trees or a forest can look.
We don't accept photos of details. We accept photos of more than a half tree, of trees and of one or more forests.
Des yeux, des regards, au travers de photos ( macros, plans serrés ) ou de créations digitales.
Pas plus de trois images par jour pour permettre une certaine diversité.
This group is all about fetish photography. Hope members know the little difference between erotic art and porn. Porn is not allowed in this group and will be banned, everything else is welcome.
Here at Amazing Details, flowers are our passion! From the wild ones to the hybrids, we love them all! This group was created for gazers & PHOTOGRAPHERS alike. So PLEASE NO AI generated images, just photos BY YOU ! Unlike other flower groups, here we want to see the flowers only... Check out the group rules then bring us all your pretty flowers & show us their Amazing Details!
NO AI generated !
Group Rules ✿ Comment Code ✿ Meet the Staff
This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.
HOMMAGE A LA FEMME. Sa beauté et sa sensualité, pas seulement physique. La beauté expressive. Ses traits qui marque son parcours dans la vie, ses larmes, son sourire, son regard, sa force et son courage. Du premier au troisiéme age.
A group for good photos that do not receive the desired number of visits or comments in your gallery, but that you think deserve it. In this group you must remove all photos with more than 250 visits or 15 favourites. Please dont uploud pictures with more than the mentioned visits or favorites.
Kind Regards
Granad'A and Verdecores1
Uniquement des portraits de personnes ou d'animaux, en gros plan,photos N&B ou couleur, dessins ou peintures, travaillés digitalement ou pas.
Only portraits (in close-up )of people, animals, B&W, colour,design or painting,digitaly worked or not.
... to say it with Pink Floyd.
This is just the right place to show all your amazing, stunning, colorful, "Wow" cloud shots!
Winner of the "only clouds" contest
Winners of "fluffy clouds" contest:
In diese Gruppe kommen NUR Kinderbilder. Alle anderen werden unverzüglich gelöscht. Wir weisen darauf hin dass auch bei nackten Kindern die Geschlechtsteile verpixelt werden müssen.
Only kids
Nur Kinder
solo bambini
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which A S is an administrator1 group in total
Gedichte und Zitate
Gediche und Zitate auf Fotos oder die gut zu dem Foto passen. Auf lange Sicht planen wir, eventuell ein Ratespiel damit zu verbinden; und wir haben auch schon eine Idee: Jemand denkt sich einen Spruch/ein Zitat aus, sucht unter seinen Bildern etwas Passendes und lädt es hoch. Die anderen dürfen/müssen/können raten, um welchen Spruch es sich handelt. [Denkbar wäre auch "andersrum": Wer findet das passendste Fot zu einem vorgegebenen Spruch?] Aber erst müssen wir mehr Mitglieder haben, sonst macht…
Public groups in which A S is a member79 groups in total
Erotic photography
Erotic photography with niveau. We ask that you strictly observe the laws for the protection of minors and the ipernity Terms of Service.
Artistic Nudes
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
Canon EOS xxx
Bitte nur Fotos zeigen, die mit einer Canon EOS xxx gemacht wurden. For your photos, which was taken with a Canon EOS xxx.
This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…
light blue - dark blue - violet
This group wants to show that it is worth drawing attention to these colors from light blue to dark blue to violet.
tree - trees - forest
We want to show, how beautiful, proud, sad or ugly a tree, trees or a forest can look. We don't accept photos of details. We accept photos of more than a half tree, of trees and of one or more forests.
Des yeux, des regards, au travers de photos ( macros, plans serrés ) ou de créations digitales. Pas plus de trois images par jour pour permettre une certaine diversité.
Photos, portraits of humans.& Animals, with all the expressions they transmit away.
fetish photography
This group is all about fetish photography. Hope members know the little difference between erotic art and porn. Porn is not allowed in this group and will be banned, everything else is welcome.
❀⊱ Amazing Details ⊰❀ FLOWERS ONLY !!!
Here at Amazing Details, flowers are our passion! From the wild ones to the hybrids, we love them all! This group was created for gazers & PHOTOGRAPHERS alike. So PLEASE NO AI generated images, just photos BY YOU ! Unlike other flower groups, here we want to see the flowers only... Check out the group rules then bring us all your pretty flowers & show us their Amazing Details! NO AI generated ! ══════════════════════════════════ Group Rules ✿ Comment Code ✿ Meet the Staff ══…
Corrosion and Decay
This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.
Beautiful Girls
HOMMAGE A LA FEMME. Sa beauté et sa sensualité, pas seulement physique. La beauté expressive. Ses traits qui marque son parcours dans la vie, ses larmes, son sourire, son regard, sa force et son courage. Du premier au troisiéme age.
A group for good photos that do not receive the desired number of visits or comments in your gallery, but that you think deserve it. In this group you must remove all photos with more than 250 visits or 15 favourites. Please dont uploud pictures with more than the mentioned visits or favorites. Kind Regards Granad'A and Verdecores1
Artistic Landscapes. ( Formally Fine Art Landscape Photography )
A group for your aesthetic landscape photos including urban landscapes, photos that do not conform to this description will be removed
"Portraits de rêve, Portraits of dream, Ritratti da sogno, Traumporträts, Retratos de sueños
Uniquement des portraits de personnes ou d'animaux, en gros plan,photos N&B ou couleur, dessins ou peintures, travaillés digitalement ou pas. Only portraits (in close-up )of people, animals, B&W, colour,design or painting,digitaly worked or not.
Tous les sourires d'hommes et de femmes...every men' and women' smile..pas de photos choquantes bien sûr!!! No shoking pics of course
Cloud is the Color
... to say it with Pink Floyd. This is just the right place to show all your amazing, stunning, colorful, "Wow" cloud shots! Winner of the "only clouds" contest Winners of "fluffy clouds" contest:
In diese Gruppe kommen NUR Kinderbilder. Alle anderen werden unverzüglich gelöscht. Wir weisen darauf hin dass auch bei nackten Kindern die Geschlechtsteile verpixelt werden müssen. Only kids Nur Kinder solo bambini
dunkel und geheimnisvoll
Wie der Gruppen-Name schon sagt, dunkle, düstere und geheimnisvolle Bilder.