Der Sonnenaufgang folgt auf die Morgendämmerung, sein Gegenteil ist der Sonnenuntergang. Umgangssprachlich, und zum Beispiel in der Fotografie, wird der Sonnenaufgang von einer Blauen Stunde (vor Sonnenaufgang) und einer Goldenen Stunde (nach Sonnenaufgang) umrahmt.
Ursache des Phänomens ist die Erdrotation, die den Ort des Betrachters über die Tag-Nacht-Grenze bewegt. Im Sinne des Überschreitens der kompletten Sonnenscheibe dauert er in den Tropen zwei Minuten, in Mitteleuropa je nach Jahresze…
Uniquement des images : Ombre & Lumière , n/b ou en couleurs !
Nur Fotos zum Thema : Licht & Schatten , S / W oder in Farbe !
Minimalismus pur - NUR Detailansichten.
Du minimalisme pur - EXCLUSIVEMENT des détails.
Pure Minimalism - ONLY detail views.
Toutes les photos dont le sujet correspond à l'intitulé groupe
Pluie, Brume, Brouillard, Au dessus des nuages/Rain, Mist, Fog, Over the clouds/Regen, Nebel, Nebel/Pluie, Lluvia,niebla,Uisge, ceò.
Il peut y avoir des personnes sur la photo mais ça ne doit pas être le sujet principal.
Pictures with, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it.
PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times.
See, it's a win-win! :-)
tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung
Lifeboats of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) and other similar organisations in Great Britain, Europe and the rest of the world. Lifeboats of any age, in service (not just action shots of "shouts") or otherwise ie "retired". Also acceptable are models, and associated equipment and buildings.
Mirrors, reflective surfaces, liquids, glass, metals, eyes and more - except water .
The idea of this group is to have a surface (of any kind) which is large enaugh to show something well visible. And this reflection should be the main subject! So please no reflections without a structure or just a tiny dot of light on things.
Please no more images of water surfaces, e.g.from lakes, rivers or from the sea (There are other groups focussed on that issue).
Please consider that in future all pi…
Share your photos with rust or with ruins. Make them a part of the history!
Photos having a Rusty background, or some Ruins behind/under/anywhere
All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!
Public groups in which Amelia is a member482 groups in total
a zen world.
A group or is "Zen" Enemy of stress, anxiety, it is mostly a friendly group of well-being and serenity ..!
Collection of beautiful, decorative, rare, old and modern mailboxes
Sunrise-Sunset - - Sonnenaufgang-Sonnenuntergang
Der Sonnenaufgang folgt auf die Morgendämmerung, sein Gegenteil ist der Sonnenuntergang. Umgangssprachlich, und zum Beispiel in der Fotografie, wird der Sonnenaufgang von einer Blauen Stunde (vor Sonnenaufgang) und einer Goldenen Stunde (nach Sonnenaufgang) umrahmt. Ursache des Phänomens ist die Erdrotation, die den Ort des Betrachters über die Tag-Nacht-Grenze bewegt. Im Sinne des Überschreitens der kompletten Sonnenscheibe dauert er in den Tropen zwei Minuten, in Mitteleuropa je nach Jahresze…
Sunrise - Sunset
Photos taken at the special special time between night and day. Whether the sun is visible or not...
Diagonal compositions
" - A - Very Ipernity Photos - "
" A Yin & Yang group - Light & Shadow - Licht & Schatten - Lumière & Ombre " Uniquement des images : Ombre & Lumière , n/b ou en couleurs ! Nur Fotos zum Thema : Licht & Schatten , S / W oder in Farbe !
" - MAXI - MINI - " Minimalismus pur - NUR Detailansichten. Du minimalisme pur - EXCLUSIVEMENT des détails. Pure Minimalism - ONLY detail views.
Pluie, Brume, Brouillard, Au dessus des nuages/Rain, Mist, Fog, Over the clouds /Regen, Nebel, Nebel/
Toutes les photos dont le sujet correspond à l'intitulé groupe Pluie, Brume, Brouillard, Au dessus des nuages/Rain, Mist, Fog, Over the clouds/Regen, Nebel, Nebel/Pluie, Lluvia,niebla,Uisge, ceò. Il peut y avoir des personnes sur la photo mais ça ne doit pas être le sujet principal.
Snow & Ice
Snow and ice in all shapes
For The Love Of Fog
A Group for High Quality shot about fog, mist.
Sea View - Seeblick - vue sur la mer
Selbst erklärend - - - Bitte auch mal ein Bild kommentieren
Water en reflextie
reflextions in water en of in glas,,,,etc
Pictures with, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it. PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times. See, it's a win-win! :-) ----- tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung
Bright red
The photo must be at least 50% bright red
Lifeboats of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) and other similar organisations in Great Britain, Europe and the rest of the world. Lifeboats of any age, in service (not just action shots of "shouts") or otherwise ie "retired". Also acceptable are models, and associated equipment and buildings.
Mirrors and reflective surfaces
Mirrors, reflective surfaces, liquids, glass, metals, eyes and more - except water . The idea of this group is to have a surface (of any kind) which is large enaugh to show something well visible. And this reflection should be the main subject! So please no reflections without a structure or just a tiny dot of light on things. Please no more images of water surfaces, e.g.from lakes, rivers or from the sea (There are other groups focussed on that issue). Please consider that in future all pi…
Rusty & Ruins
Share your photos with rust or with ruins. Make them a part of the history! Photos having a Rusty background, or some Ruins behind/under/anywhere Welcome!
All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!