Group: Water en reflextie

(Hbm)Schutterspark brunssum

Fulica Atra

Hunting tower (left)

Easy paths 2

Easy Paths

again river Wúrm

HFF--for everyone,31-1-2025

Castle Trips

a small red dot

and the lakes roar forever

One man on the edge

Super Long Bench (Hbm)

On en Under the ice

HFF-for everyone-10-1-2025-Voeren-Kloosterstraat…

Memory of my Holiday in finland 1973

Mother with her child(Hbm)

Next picture in perspective

Giesbachfálle schweisz

December View

Baumruinen an der Alster

Me-1975-met mijn vrouw die nooit op de foto wou(de…

Strange Goose on the first ice

Dream Catcher