tiabunna's photos with the keyword: Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli

Royal Penguin Boogie

03 Nov 2013 8 6 562
My apologies for the anthropomorphism, these crazy Royal Penguins make it almost irresistible. :) Just bop along with the music.... I'll conclude my set on the penguins of Sandy Bay at Macquarie Island with this shot.

Hey, what's that round glass thing on the box?

02 Nov 2013 17 15 555
After pecking at my boot and leg, this Royal Penguin kindly posed for a standard portrait, pretty much looking as it did earlier. Then it moved a step or two closer and, for a few wildly exciting moments, I fully expected it was about to take a peck at my lens ..... thankfully it resisted the urge! :)

The five metre rule #2

30 Oct 2013 13 10 619
Antarctic tour operators warn tourists not to approach closer than five metres to wildlife, to avoid disturbance. But nobody has told the penguins about that rule and, besides, they cannot count! So, with the Royal Penguins at Macquarie Island, it is simply a matter of remaining stationary and they will come to investigate. :) By way of further detail, that is my leg and boot being tested. Other photos in notes above. Sadly, human interaction with the penguins was not always so enlightened (see third note - caution, may be distressing)

The five metre rule #1

30 Oct 2013 10 6 582
Antarctic tour operators warn tourists not to approach closer than five metres to wildlife, to avoid disturbance. But nobody has told the penguins about that rule and, besides, they cannot count! So, with the Royal Penguins at Macquarie Island, it is simply a matter of remaining stationary and they will come to investigate. :) Other photos in notes above. Sadly, human interaction with the penguins was not always so enlightened (see third note - caution, may be distressing)

The Royal Colony (or is that Chateau?)

30 Oct 2013 4 3 523
The breeding colony of the Royal Penguins, a hundred or so metres inland from Sandy Bay. Parks Tasmania have constructed a walkway for tourists (this is the only place on the island, apart from the station area, where tourists are permitted). Note especially the tremendous devastation of dead and dying vegetation as a result of the massive rabbit infestation at that time (Dec 2005).

Penguin Highway

30 Oct 2013 2 2 476
This little creek, at Sandy Bay on Macquarie Island, is the main access route between the beach and the breeding colony a little inland. There is a busy and constant two way traffic, interrupted sometimes by arguments over who infringed the traffic rules!

Meet the Royals!

29 Oct 2013 7 7 584
Let's go through the penguin regal order: there are the well known Emperors and the Kings - but these are Royal Penguins, somewhat lesser known as they live only on Macquarie Island. They could be said to live up to their less exalted name, as the minor princes and princesses who can afford to be a little more relaxed and even eccentric: these are absolute characters. They don't actually nest on this beach, this is something like a cross between a social club and an arrivals/departure lounge. The accompanying photos show their breeding colony and access.