raingirl's photos with the keyword: ipernity

over the top

02 Feb 2018 50 71 907
HFF! (obviously not recently taken)

flowers in white

04 Jun 2017 27 31 675
is it possible? out of darkness comes light? my heart is with london and all the innocent people affected by the horrific recent events.


28 Apr 2017 18 18 627
William Sutherland Just to let everyone know, Christophe signed the letter of intent agreeing to IMA's proposal early this morning. This letter of intent is in French and English and can be found at: ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/formal-proposal A German translation can be found in the Acceptance thread of the Ipernity Members Association Project group: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/186918 Thank you Christophe! --------- Thanks to everyone involved!! On to the next phase of work!!! Hooray!!!! *******************************ADDITIONAL INFO************************** It is very helpful to check the IMA group page - it is updated with pertinent information as often as they can. In the current post you will find: "Christophe has informed us he may change the Ipernity Club membership prices in May. IMA asks you not to renew your membership yet but wait until legal agreement is done and bank account for payments is changed. IMA will announce when we recommend you start paying membership fees. If you do pay your membership after they become increased by Christophe, IMA will respect your choice. However we are not in the position to guarantee any acknowledgement of paid renewal fees as IMA membership fees because some of the transition conditions are highly dependent on legal decisions by the administrator and Ipernity S.A. deducting such payments from IMA obligations under the agreement. Therefore we urge you to make a prudent decision regarding renewal terms and payments." See the full post here: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/187276

Positive note from christophe ruelle

24 Apr 2017 3 6 784
We are still here - We've waited this long, we can wait some more!!

front yard

23 Apr 2017 9 8 457
dandelion heaven


05 Apr 2017 8 11 1124
PEOPLE!! WE ARE MOVING FORWARD!! See full info from William Sutherland here: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/186918 EN FRANCAIS: www.ipernity.com/blog/cjm-ellipse/4651396 "After today’s Skype® call with Christophe Ruelle, IMA will present a formal proposal to Ipernity S.A. for takeover of the Ipernity photo-sharing platform (“the platform”) by no later than 30 April 2017. The proposal is in the review stage and will be presented to Ipernity S.A. no later than 6 April 2017. A copy of the proposal will be shared with the membership by no later than the end of the week since formatting issues may take some time because of the inclusion of financial tables. ... Please be aware that to date much of the process with re: to timeframe was dictated by Ipernity S.A. and even when our proposal is submitted by no later than 6 April 2017 with the objective of taking over the platform on 30 April 2017, external parties such as the administrator may dictate the final timeframe or even outcome. ... If our takeover proposal is approved, which is likely, the destiny of Ipernity will be in everyone’s hands. If everyone lives up to their survey commitment(s), our efforts will succeed. I cannot stress enough that we need everyone’s help since ultimately success or failure in reality will be shared equally among us all. Again much thanks is extended to everyone for enabling us to get this far."

help ipernity

27 Mar 2017 4 10 1308
CAN YOU DO IT? NOW IS THE TIME!! www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

audrey statement

01 Jan 2017 4 4 367
hope for the new year