Peggy C's photos with the keyword: 2010 - Archives

I'm telling you, it's that way! The greener gra…

08 Aug 2010 187
Goose-in-charge? Noisy .. seems if I understood 'goose lingo', perhaps he was telling them that they had to cross the street for the good stuff! He was so funny .. waving his wing and honking at all the other waterbirds! © All rights reserved

Of course they stopped ...

08 Aug 2010 146
we have only two feet & take our time waddling across out street to reach greener grass .. what is the hurry ? those things on 4 wheels always seem to be in a hurry .. then wait at the next traffic signal... makes no sense to a goose .. we take our sweet time .. (think it is better for the digestion or something)- and can you believe some of the humans driving those 4 wheeled things actually honked at us ? at us ... we should have honked at them! eventually, we all safely made our way across .. in goose time .. © All rights reserved