Peggy C's photos with the keyword: yellow throat

RED Jazz ...

19 Jun 2017 13 16 416
and all that - this red Day Lily deserves a special name - so, today - she is JAZZ - her red petals do look like velvet - with a PoP of yellow - she probably sings when I'm not outside - © All Rights Reserved

- no

10 Jun 2015 4 8 295
wasn't expecting you today - earlier than last year - but, you are most welcome to stay and bloom - as long as you deisre - 'Winsome Lady' - 2nd Daylily to bloom - was 3rd last year [ 2014 ] - must be the wonderful weather - that has her arrival sooner - about 20 - 24 inches tall - so far, this one has 6 petals ( I know they are called something else ) - color is a salmon pink with darker veins and yellow throat - Welcome, My Lady ~ (c) AllRightsReserved ** 1 note ** Viewed Large/on black ** Best visual explanation of part of a daylily found ..

- and so it begins

30 May 2015 2 10 351
' The Order of the Daylily - 2015 ' .. "The thoughtful soul to solitude retires." - Omar Khayyam on the insert note 1st to bloom .. known around here as Ditch Lily .. though she should have a [proper name) .. found Tawney Lily in Dave's Garden website .. will go with Dave .. they grow in gardens when planted .. but in ditches along side the roads .. about 24 inches high .. bloom 6 inches across .. (c) All Rights Reserved