Peggy C's photos with the keyword: searching

Clematis ..

17 May 2021 7 4 211
Searching for a blue sky - Found what a friend calls a "dingy" sky - The Kardynal Clematis a a persistent group - After all - I'm the Gardner ! [ they bloom in spite of what I do ] ~ For Andy - He is a Persistent Soul ! 1 PiP

Well ----

19 May 2020 8 5 278
Do I have to - stop - listen - search - and get it myself ? Or Are you going to tell me where the best earthworms are? It would be appreciated.. - 1 PiP - ** EXPLORE **

Searching -

10 Feb 2014 1 2 255
outside the window - this shrub insists on putting out - new growth - what is it ? not a clue - but, I've already spoken to it - 'you shall be trimmed' - think that mattered ? of course not - it insists on growing - (c) All Rights Reserved

darkness . .

30 Jan 2014 2 6 423
on the old wall - searching - fingers of cold - weathered bricks shrink to avoid - yet, they were placed - many years ago - by steady hands - it was a useful place - but, now - only part is used - sought - enveloped - by shadows of black - dark - cold - fingers - sending chills throughout - (c) PeggyC 2014

Airobatics ..

05 Sep 2011 1 178
- in the evening - unplanned show - the things one sees when you look UP - had been waiting for this Swallowtail to partake of the nectar in the purple flowers - but this is even better © All rights reserved

just strolling . .

12 May 2013 1 251
- looking for a snack - eyes looking for movement - feet .. drag slowly through the water - something will show up - now - if 'she' would go away - check out the ducks for a while - maybe my luck would change - drat ... she is still there! - know what must be done - fly to the other side of this lake - she can't interfere with searching - and he did just that ! © All Rights Reserved

Blowing bubbles

09 Apr 2013 2 344
.. I'm just blowing bubbles -----'Archive Airings' - AA30 - Reflections --------- .. looking for a tasty morsel beneath .. White Ibis with long legs .. reflecting in a puddle edited in: © All rights reserved

.. splat

07 Jun 2013 1 280
.. just no dignified way to do this .. Spoonbill had her head underwater .. this is the 'dignified' shot Roseate Spoonbill .. aka .. Miz Rosie (c) All Rights Reserved