Peggy C's photos with the keyword: Daylily

.. you

09 Jun 2016 16 13 747
- can call me Red - have one of these in the Garden of Surprises - this Gal isn't it - mine hasn't decided to greet the world ... yet - discovered her out toward Gibsonville NC © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

- puzzling

09 Jul 2015 3 10 397
** 2 notes ** next to sidewalk, this group of Kwanso Daylilies bloom - this is how they usually appear - that couldn't have been done by a deer - a clean cut - not even a child could manage that - don't think - why not the entire bloom - tis weird - very weird - (c) All Rights Reserved

... what's in a name ?

28 Jun 2015 6 8 366
Flower =the Letter F - Alphabet Site - # 5 to bloom - not a 'proper' name for her - she looks like red velvet - with a splash of orange/yellow - Jazz Velvet suits her (c) All Rights Reserved


28 Jun 2015 2 6 340
# 4 Kwanso Multi-layered shades of orange - (c) All Rights Reservefd

Daylily Parade - 2015

28 Jun 2015 2 252
In order of blooming - Tawney Lily ( aka Ditch Lily ).. Winsome Lady .. Bonanza .. Kwanso .. Jazz Velvet ..proper name is: Prairie Wildflower ( I think ) looked out this morn and Bonanza [ yellow with maroon ] .. has sublet another section of the Garden of Surprise (s) .. Still waiting for the solid yellow to bloom .. (c) All Rights Reserved

I'm Here !

20 Jun 2015 3 7 323
- third Daylily to bloom in the Garden of Surprises [ was 2nd last year ] - anyhow, her proper name is " Bonanza - no idea who decided it or why - but, it is as it is - dark, buttery yellow with wine splashes on her petals - welcome, Miz Bonanza - bloom your heart out ~~~ (c) All Rights Reserved

- no

10 Jun 2015 4 8 297
wasn't expecting you today - earlier than last year - but, you are most welcome to stay and bloom - as long as you deisre - 'Winsome Lady' - 2nd Daylily to bloom - was 3rd last year [ 2014 ] - must be the wonderful weather - that has her arrival sooner - about 20 - 24 inches tall - so far, this one has 6 petals ( I know they are called something else ) - color is a salmon pink with darker veins and yellow throat - Welcome, My Lady ~ (c) AllRightsReserved ** 1 note ** Viewed Large/on black ** Best visual explanation of part of a daylily found ..

.. sunshine

10 Jun 2015 5 8 355
- the gift of warmth to go with the raindrops from last night - Miz Tawney Lily (aka Ditch Lily) - blooming in two area of the Garden of Surprises - soon to be joined by another variety - if, and that is a huge word, she didn't move from last year - she will be golden with a throat of burgundy - that is only if she didn't move - we shall see in a few days ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

- soft

03 Jun 2015 3 7 347
and intense - an Orb created from - Daylily with raindrops - background the edges of a pastel sunset - then, framed - (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

.. red velvet Jazz

23 Jul 2014 1 267
and her guest .. she might be the last Daylily to bloom this year .. haven't found any more buds .. red - velvet like petals .. golden yellow throat .. she wears ruffles .. about 12- 16 inches tall .. small blooms .. have named her 'Jazz' ** 1 note ** (c) All Rights Reserved

.. still, the Velvet blooms

15 Jul 2014 1 325
- a red Velvet Daylily - blooms once in awhile - since I can't locate a name to suit her - she will be called Jazz - since she is that & more ! - just wish she would put out more blooms *** 1 note *** (c) All Rights Reserved

.. this must be

10 Jul 2014 1 4 245
- the way I feel pre-coffee in the morning - fascinating process, this unfolding is - almost like stretching when one arises ! - Daylily " Kwanso " a triple layer - still unfolding - so, to me that makes this one "more than a one day lasting Daylily" - shades of orange - light to darker (c) All Rights Reserved

She wears red velvet -

07 Jul 2014 1 2 272
is the only description I can think of for those petals .. the color is more of a wine / burgundy .. with the touch of yellow in the throat .. quite the Elegant .. Mz Red .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. a new Day lily

04 Jul 2014 1 234
- what a joy to see this morning - had been hoping for a red in the Garden of Surprises - not looked to find her name, yet - but, we can call her 'Just Red' for now (c) All Rights Reserved

.. buttery yellow

02 Jul 2014 1 5 221
Daylily in the Garden of Surprises .. had wondered what color this group would be .. today I know .. such a bright, uplifting color .. and all her petals have ruffles .. interesting, but still didn't locate her name .. Ms Mello Yello might do .. -- though I call her Gold Dust **** Golden Prize *** think this is her name per the Daylily Database *** (c) All Rights Reserved cropped / signed only -

.. am new here

28 Jun 2014 2 4 377
Soft orange Daylily .. Update: per Dave's Garden site, this is a Kwanso variety, not fully open. There are three layers when open and this lasts longer than one day .. so, is it still a Daylily or a Day+ lily ? throat of yellow with darker orange/red .. just touched by the paintbrush .. of Mother Nature .. not fully open .. checked and looked and there are 2 layers of petals .. this is new ! and the middle part with all the pollen .. so far .. hasn't opened .. will have to go out late and see if it is there ! this makes the 4th kind of Daylily .. in the Garden of Surprises ! (c) All Rights Reserved