Peggy C's photos with the keyword: fast flyers

Wings for Monday --

23 Jul 2018 17 14 674
* PiP * - one in each Top Left corner Top Left - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Top Right -Crescent [ worn out ] Bottom Right - same ETS Bottom Left - Eastern Tailed Blue or Hairstreak [ that's as close as can be found ] Found in my yard over 3 days - Didn't have to visit my neighbor ! As a Dear Soul has told me, "I take a chair out and wait" ... That is the easiest way [ for me ] because they return to the same flowers .. Or at least close by .. If you are so inclined, Happy Butterflying ! © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

Zebra Swallowtail !

30 Jul 2016 10 14 508
A Lifer ! Zebra Swallowtail ( Eurytides marcellus ) Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America .. page 24-25 Usually these are found over near the coast of North Carolina -- I am way inland .. Over at my neighbor's shrub, a new-to-me butterfly .. In almost constant motion, these butterflies make the rest easy to photograph ! © All Rights Reserved -- 1 note in upper Left corner / each section -- ** EXPLORE **

.. and what does he see ?

05 Jun 2014 1 1 272
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher .. ******* 2 notes left side ************* on top of the Dogwood tree .. found out there are four of these little .. 4 inch hyper-birds! though I can hear them, the nest isn't visible .. shall camp out tomorrow .. see what happens .. if you are getting bored with these shots .. just go through some of my older ones from Florida ! Ducks, Geese, Swans, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Cormorants and other waterbirds .. that held still long enough for a photo .. (c) AllRightsReserved

~ just dandy ~

23 Apr 2014 1 4 351
.. our 'Dandelion birds' aka Goldfinches .. have discovered the new feeder next door .. up to five fed and flew all around .. they are really fast guys .. usually see them feeding on the Dandelions .. so, that is why they are my 'Dandy birds' .. taken from 60 - 80 ft away Canon PowerShot SX40 HS (c) All Rights Reserved

for a rainy day ..

15 Apr 2014 2 292
these American Goldfinches flew into the yard - oh, are they fast little ones - taken through kitchen window - through some rain - wonder who will be next - to either pass through - or stay and raise their young ? [ so far, 3 males ] (c) All Rights Reserved American Goldfinch - Spinus tristis