Peggy C's photos with the keyword: shade and sun

.. delicate, yet large

29 Jul 2014 318
this shrub of Rose of Sharon was loaded yesterday - high winds and welcome rain did most of them in - today, only two brave flowers are open - lots of buds, though - oh, per the request of a Friend ... measured this bloom (dodging the bee) -- 7 inches across ! Rose of Sharon - (c) All Rights Reserved

... quiet zone

26 Jul 2014 2 2 375
don't want to disturb the guest - inside the darkness of Rose of Sharon [ a variety of Hibiscus - Hibiscus Syriacus - ] a.k.a. 'Lil' Kim .. per Pam J and also Dave's Garden site - shadows fall just right - almost paper-like look on the back petals - now, if the bugs would just stop eating her leaves ! sigh - she is such a classy lady - then, here they come - chomp - chomp - chomp - ** 1 note ** (c)All Rights Reserved

The Order of The Day Lily - 2014

09 Jul 2014 2 4 388
- they all belong to The Order of the Day Lily - number in upper right corner is the order they have bloomed - # 1 is sometimes called a ' Ditch Lily ' as they grow along roadsides call her Tawny Lily per Dave's Garden website .. -- in a ditch ' Orange Vols ' per this site -- - # 2 blooms one or two at a time ..Name is: ' Bonanza ' - # 3 small bloom - about 12 inches tall; not many blooms of pink and salmon .. this is 'Winsome Lady' - #3 - # 4 is still blooming; many buds left - Name is 'Kwanso' .. a triple lily - # 5 a very soft buttery yellow .. Name is: ' Golden Prize ' ( I call her Gold Dust ) - # 6 the latest, takes her time .. usually one bloom at a time ..I call her 'Jazz Velvet' or Red - all in my Garden of Surprises 2014 (c) All Rights Reserved

She wears red velvet -

07 Jul 2014 1 2 271
is the only description I can think of for those petals .. the color is more of a wine / burgundy .. with the touch of yellow in the throat .. quite the Elegant .. Mz Red .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. Dining al fresco

07 Jul 2014 1 288
- wonderful ambiance - music fills the air - soft breezes float by - not crowded - who could ask for more? Rose of Sharon [ a variety of Hibiscus - Hibiscus Syriacus - ] a.k.a. 'Lil' Kim .. per Pam J and also Dave's Garden site (thanks to both) North Carolina US (c) AllRigtsReserved

.. room for more than one

07 Jul 2014 1 4 334
visitor to these almost saucer-size blooms - last year the edges had a pink tinge to them - perhaps that happens as the year goes on - yesterday I walked past these - they were buds - today, wham ! look at me - got the camera ? love the elegant pleated skirts - and splash of color in the middle ~ Rose of Sharon [ a variety of Hibiscus - Hibiscus Syriacus - ] .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. who are you ?

05 Jul 2014 1 2 331
I live behind you .. with the other dog .. haven't seen you before - unless - are you the person I bark at ? well, then I have seen you .. what do you mean I should go home ? I've lived here longer than you .. collar .. they mess up my 'do' .. out ? why can't I go out .. and he remained near the other little dog .. but, every time I looked in his direction .. Bark ! Silly thing even growled at me .. like I would do anything to him .. he finally went home after deciding that I was no fun .. and the dog across the street .. couldn't come 'out to play' .. (c) All Rights Reserved

Kwanso (Hemerocallis) ..

29 Jun 2014 1 225
a triple decker day lily .. taken after supper this evening - still beautiful - think the stamens / pistil are in the center - but small petals are around them - at least that is how I see it - ID found in Dave's Garden website .. this is the 4th variety in the Garden of Surprises - my inherited Garden - documenting daily so I'll know more - what to expect next year - (c) All Rights Reserved ^^ all photos are signed / usually cropped / that's it ^^ ^^ if different ......... I shall say so ^^ PeggyC

.. even Marguerite

29 Jun 2014 1 3 228
shows her age - she and her sisters have bloomed & bloomed - found a few more buds this evening - only one of the many treats - in the Garden of Surprises - (c) All Rights Reserved

.. layers of beautiful orange Kwanso

29 Jun 2014 2 2 245
- had a great description here - hit the wrong key - poof - gone ! - so, just count the petals [ wrong name I know ] - will go give it a Daylily physical - on the hunt for stamen/pistil parts - this evening when it starts to close up (c) All Rights Reserved

.. am new here

28 Jun 2014 2 4 377
Soft orange Daylily .. Update: per Dave's Garden site, this is a Kwanso variety, not fully open. There are three layers when open and this lasts longer than one day .. so, is it still a Daylily or a Day+ lily ? throat of yellow with darker orange/red .. just touched by the paintbrush .. of Mother Nature .. not fully open .. checked and looked and there are 2 layers of petals .. this is new ! and the middle part with all the pollen .. so far .. hasn't opened .. will have to go out late and see if it is there ! this makes the 4th kind of Daylily .. in the Garden of Surprises ! (c) All Rights Reserved

.. pastel pretty - 'Winsome Lady'

25 Jun 2014 218
Daylily in the Garden of Surprises .. have the bright orange lily .. the yellow with burgundy throat .. and this pastel pink/peach/salmon .. with yellow throat and deeper colored veins .. smaller and shorter .. maybe about 12 to 18 inches tall .. sometimes, instead of the usual 6 petals .. she has 2 extra .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. helper

17 Jun 2014 6 7 396
spreading the pollen around .. little critter on top left petal .. Day lily - orange (Hemerocallis fulva) (c)AllRightsReserved

A blooming lily ..

07 Jun 2014 2 223
buds have started to open - revealing the orange/yellow within - two groups are this color - still waiting for the others - to show their colors ~ (Hemerocallis fulva) (c) AllRightsReserved

Feathers & Dogwood leaves ..

26 May 2014 2 269
- 2 notes Top middle - - have decided [ along with people who know more about birds than I do ] - this is a Blue-gray Gnat catcher - sort of like a small version of a Mockingbird - in feather colors and in song imitation - lots of places online to check him out - even a video of one buzzing a Hawk - only about 4 inches long, most sites say he is a 'hyperactive bird' (c) All Rights Reserved

.. a visitor

13 May 2014 1 2 288
in the purple Japanese Iris - 1 note upper Left they don't photograph the true purple that they are - matters not what setting used - but, they are Purple ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

purple velvet ..

11 May 2014 287
.. with whipped cream on top .. if you know what the name of this Iris -- please tell me ~ .. have hunted through so many Iris websites that all the colors are looking the same .. it grows in North Carolina / Piedmont area / USA .. some shade but lots of sun .. about 2 ft tall (c) All Rights Reserved ** update: Coronal Light per website of Stout Gardens at Dancingtree Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA

.. a few steps away

04 May 2014 2 2 340
is found this Tulip Tree that my neighbor planted - love it when a neighbor has things to photograph - that aren't in my yard - of course, I haven't walked around his entire yard - yet - © All Rights Reserved

23 items in total