Peggy C's photos with the keyword: out

The Lady ..

05 May 2016 5 7 316
Ms Clementine is guardian of mailbox .. When we first moved here .. All that was on that small trellis .. Were dried up somethings . Brown leaves that had seen better days .. . So, asked Pam J if I should pull it up .. ''No .. see what it will be.. '' And the following year, this leafed out and bloomed ! It is so nice when somebody says ...NO .. And this beauty is why .. Clematis Kardynal Wyszynski is her 'proper name' .. Many, many thanks SAB .. Pam has save me many times ! © All Rights Reserved

Still Here !!!

22 Sep 2013 2 479
Buddleja davidii .. continues to be a treat for Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly .. "The Eastern tiger swallowtail, scientifically known as Papilio glaucus, was designated as North Carolina's state butterfly in June of 2012. The butterfly is native to North America, and one of the most common and most easily recognized species found in the Eastern U.S. It's widely accepted that the Eastern tiger swallowtail was the first North American butterfly species to have been illustrated. John White - an artist and cartographer who was the governor of the Roanoke Island colony (that came to be known as the Lost Colony) - first drew the species in 1587 while on an expedition for Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia. The male is usually yellow with four black stripes on each wing. Females are usually yellow or black. You'll find them from spring to the fall, and usually around the edges of woods, in open fields, in gardens or by roadsides. They usually hang out around the tops of trees, but they like to drink from puddles on the ground (sometimes in large huddles or clusters)." (c) All Rights Reserved

Oh, the things you do !

15 Aug 2009 181
.. more years ago than I care to remember, our dance group was invited by a radio station, putting on a benefit, to be the entertainment when the bands changed onstage and did all the set up needed. No problem.. This was when we weren't needed, so the gent in the chair (drink is in front of him), figured it was a good time for some beverages. He had so many, he passed out in the chair! Now, really.. was I supposed to pass up such an opportunity? Hurried into the RV (on the left) and got as many scarves, veils, glitzy stuff as I could find! Decorated him ..or did I ever decorate him! Don't have a photo of when he awoke.. yeah, did that too.. but the look on his face; trying to figure out how all those dance-related items got on him..... Yes, I can drag out a story...not just here, but had the poor guy thinking he had gotten into our stash of veils, .. while "under the influence!" He didn't have another drink the rest of the day! He said that if he had done all that and couldn't remember it, he wasn't touching the stuff again! We never told him how it happened, either! ..taken from a 35mm Vivitar photo - taken by another dancer .. cropped only

a profile ..

25 Oct 2012 3 301
- no one with her - was curious about the car - she was so close - Sandhill Cranes are more beautiful - each time I see them - if one ever gets the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures - how exquisite they are remains burned into your memory cropped in: (c) All Rights Reserved

blue canvas sky ..

25 Jul 2012 259
- white puffy things for buidl-lemmy - lavender [they look pink to me] - crepe/crape myrtle - brilliant green leaves - beauty in between the rains edited in: © All Rights Reserved

bananas ..

25 Jul 2012 279
- still green - Lady Finger bananas - makes good banana bread - purple ? - just fun in the Monkey - edited in: © All Rights Reserved

Say ahhh..

01 Dec 2008 152
if you can look at this and not yawn, let me in on your secret! © All Rights Reserved

No choice....

11 Nov 2008 230
when a freight train is a 'comin.. you just wait.. don't know why, buy orbs show up in this town.. Plant City FL ..this railroad has partnered with the state of Florida in some fancy footwork with the previous governor. Citizens who will be impacted by this Hub weren't kept in the loop.. sure, some were.. but not the majority. It really angers me when we, as individuals, try to leave small carbon footprints on our Earth, but the big companies just "do business as usual"!!! © All Rights Reserved