Peggy C's photos with the keyword: Society Garlic

Garlic In High Society, my Deah !

06 Aug 2023 9 6 166
Society Garlic sways in the breeze . . sort of strutting her stuff, if you will . . softly drape her leaves . . with long spikes which shoot skyward . . topped with clusters of lavender beauties ! © All rights reserved

A Bench with a view ...

03 Aug 2010 275
seated on the bench in the NE corner, so many shades of green greet the eyes ... Society Garlic with dainty blossoms high in the air.. Indian Hawthorne - not blooming yet .. Vinca of pink .. Miniature Gardenia .. beautiful yellow flowers(got to find out their names) ..-they are Bulbine branches of Crepe Myrtle, drooping with flowers .. Lily of the Nile is just out of sight - but not in bloom .. Jasmine.. Blue Daze .. Azaleas.. Ginger plants .. and so many beauties ... Finished! SOOC © All Rights Reserved

First of the Spring . .

17 Mar 2011 1 1 254
Gulf Fritillary dining on Society Garlic . . "Archive Airings AA16:Butterfly Beauty" she was a delight to capture . . always wanting more garlic ! © All rights reserved -cropped & rotated -no enhancement From Wikepedia: The Gulf Fritillary or Passion Butterfly, Agraulis vanillae , is a striking, bright orange butterfly of the family Nymphalidae, subfamily Heliconiinae. These were formerly classified in a separate family, the Heliconiidae or longwing butterflies, and like other longwings this species does have long, rather narrow wings in comparison with other butterflies. It is not closely related to the true fritillaries. It is a medium to large butterfly, with a wingspan of 6–9.5 cm (2.4–3.7 in). Its underwings are buff, with large silvery spots.[1] It takes its name from migrating flights of the butterflies sometimes seen over the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf Fritillary is commonly seen in parks and gardens, as well as in open country. Its range extends from Argentina through Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean to the southern United States, as far north as the San Francisco Bay Area on the west coast. It is occasionally found farther north in the US.[2] This article said they lay eggs and feed on Passion flowers.. don't have any, but someone must around here! These butterflies do like the Red Sage or lavender Society Garlic.