Ned's photos with the keyword: 7x11 Eastman No. 2

North Wright's Beach

14 Nov 2017 1 1 437
North Wright's Beach on the Sonoma Coast in California. Really beautiful day at the coast, I was in my shirtsleeves. Some of our best days at the beach are in late fall and early winter. Calotype made with Alexander Greenlaw's process. Bright, cloudy. LV 16 brightest clouds, 15 sky, water, beach, 14 near slope. 12m @ f/32 Development, as usual, very faint image at start, 2 scant eyedroppers ANS, came up pretty fast, done after 29m. This calotype has a bunch of problems and I'll be going back to try this again. It was a lovely day but the light was a bit flat, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to try again ( like I need an excuse to go to the beach! :) I don't know what causes the marbling ( in the middle, in the water and sky ) but it happens occasionally. There are a few pinholes, some are small enough to have been caused by dust in the camera, but some are bigger white spots. A few small black spots. And that funny lighter area on the right: I've seen that before a couple times too and it's always at that end of the calotype -- I wonder if one end sometimes doesn't get sensitized enough. Also I'm going to include more of the near beach.

Coast Live Oaks

01 Nov 2017 2 1 405
Coast Live Oaks at Ragle Ranch in Sebastopol, California. Alexander Greenlaw's process calotype. 7x11 Eastman No. 2, uncatalogued Wollensak lens. 4PM sun fairly low. LV 10 on trunk, 11 mid-scene, 12 brightest light through branches. 1 hour @ F/16 Development: 1.4g gallic acid in 200ml DH2O. Added 2-1/2 eyedroppers ANS, image was most faintly visible at start, came up normally. Stopped development at 28 minutes. Wash 2x5m DH2O, fix 2x10 minutes in hypo, 3m in sodium sulfite, wash 1.5 hours in changes of RO water. Dried for 2+ days between 3 changes of blotter. I didn't notice any pinholes or black spots or defects on this calotype, which goes along with the idea that they get better after the 1st one goes through replenished sensitizer.

Duncan's Landing

26 May 2016 7 541
Back in February when I made a calotype here, I had a regular paper negative on the other side of the film holder. This one was exposed for 1s instead of 12m. Everything else was the same. I like the way the negative looks, mouse over the note to see it.