Ned's photos with the keyword: 8x10 FC

Huichica Salt Pond

11 Apr 2014 22 4 954
I made this for a fun activity over at APUG called the Monthly Shooting Assignment . The current theme is salt . This salt print was made by coating the paper with saltwater from within this photograph. Canson Universal Sketch paper, 7x11 inches, coated with this saltwater then with silver nitrate + citric acid. Contact printed from a paper negative.

Burnside Road Calotype

21 Jan 2014 4 3 500
Scan/Invert of calotype. Not the best photograph, but the calotype came out nicely! I should probably flatten these before scanning in the future. Very fun!

Burnside Calotype

21 Jan 2014 1 654
First successful calotype with no chemical fogging! Exposure: 8 minutes at f/16. Greenlaw's process, many thanks to Rob ( "Robsworld" at flickr ) for wonderful clear instructions and encouragement and help!

Russian River

20 Jan 2014 6 1 668
Second try at a calotype. This one fogged, but progress! Scanned / inverted.

Rock Point calotype.

15 Jan 2014 5 540
Scanned and inverted calotype. I am not going to make a salt print from this one, but I promise there will be some of those soon! Very big surf on Sunday, and a gorgeous day to be at the coast. Mango and I went on a long walk on Wright's beach after stopping to make this.

First calotype

15 Jan 2014 1 555
Warts, wrinkles and all. The main damage was caused by me trying to develop it by applying the developer with a cotton ball. When I realized I was damaging it, I stopped and poured it on. There are many defects in this, but there are also some good things. If you were familiar with the Sonoma Coast, you would recognized this view! This was made with a homemade box camera. I'd never used it with the lens wide open and the focus was off. Still, it's a real calotype and my first one! This picture is 5-1/3 x 9 inches.

Crane Creek Salt Print

05 Jan 2014 14 858
First tries at salt printing. It is very fun! The background is nearly pure white, don't know why the scan makes it grey. 5.3 x 9 inches, printed 4 January 2014.

Crane Creek

09 Dec 2013 11 4 642
Another paper negative, cropped a little, from new foamcore camera. You can't tell from this scan, but the detail in the negative is amazing: you can see hundreds of individual trees and details like fence posts way off in the distance . No filters, so almost ortho. Just a bit underexposed, but that left those clouds. I'm excited to try more! Best viewed large...

Roblar de la Miseria

08 Dec 2013 2 4 631
First "successful" exposure from homemade 8x10 foamcore camera. Paper negative, no filter. f/64, 2s. Windy. 5.3 x 9 inch window mat on 8x10 paper keeps some of the spirit of the 1914 Kodak 3A this lens came from.


02 Dec 2013 7 5 682
This place is where the old railroad crossed the Petaluma River on a movable trestle. Now Highway 101 runs over on this concrete, and the crush of drivers are mostly unaware of the river and history below. I like to imagine what it was like here before there were cars.