Ned's photos with the keyword: Helen Putnam

Helen Putnam

29 Aug 2016 7 2 740
View from Helen Putnam park near Petaluma California. Printed 28 August 2016


03 Jun 2014 2 3 525
Same April day at Helen Putnam Regional Park in the hills above Petaluma, California Printed 26 May 2014

April in the Park

02 Jun 2014 6 1 584
At Helen Putnam Regional Park near Petaluma, California. Printed 31 May 2014

That tree again

16 Feb 2014 17 3 853
Hard to walk by here without taking a picture! One of my favorite trees. Printed 10 Feb 2014, MGWT, KRST 1:30 9min.

Petaluma Hills

15 Feb 2014 6 630
That was a nice day to walk at the park. This roll was a little overdeveloped. Printed 9 February 2014.

Happy Solstice!

22 Dec 2013 3 537
1 July - 21 December 2013 at Helen Putnam Regional Park in the Petaluma hills. You can also see a Solargraphy Map

Putnam Oak

27 Nov 2013 32 5 763
My daughter always wants to look through the hole in this gnarly oak tree. Just a few minutes after the last picture! Printed 22 November 2013.

September Sky

22 Nov 2013 13 4 507
At Helen Putnam Regional Park, printed 21 November 2013.


02 Jul 2013 3 3 545
This picture makes sense right-side-up and up-side-down! There is a horizon for each. Besides the usual reflections from water, part of the image was perhaps made by refraction under water! It was dry when I picked it up, but the paper had obviously been soaked. Crazy! From the same location as This One 22 Dec 2012 - 1 July 2013.

West Sonoma

15 Jun 2013 8 1 498
Dairyland in West Sonoma County. Printed 14 June 2013.

Deep Shade

14 Feb 2013 1 1 424
Late afternoon deep shade on the Eastern Slope at Helen Putnam Park. Giving my FM2n a workout with various exposures. Last print from the "test roll", made 13 February 2013.

Helen Putnam Oaks

12 Oct 2012 2 1 521
I walk by these oaks very often. Just on the other side is one of my favorite views in all of Sonoma County. This is a straight 5x7 print. I'm very new at this but this print came out better than I expected. On a whim this roll was shot entirely "sunny 16" with no metering at all, and this one looked like it would be the most difficult to print so I did it first. Little did I know it was going to happen, but my old Weston meter has just stopped working, so now I'll be shooting this 120 folder "sunny 16" for a while longer whether I want to or not! I guess I'm glad for the practice and also some confidence because most of the frames came out just fine.

PH Oaks

12 Nov 2012 3 1 368
The deciduous oaks are starting to drop their leaves. 5x7 paper negative, 3 minute exp.

Fish Pond

28 Feb 2013 3 549
At Helen Putnam Regional Park The ripples are probably from Mango splashing around! Printed 25 Feb 2013. I am really enjoying printing this FP4+.

That Tree Again

09 Feb 2013 11 1 1005
A favorite old oak at Helen Putnam Regional Park. Printed 8 February 2013. I didn't notice my solargraphy camera in this until I was printing it!


23 Dec 2012 2 439
Yes these are sunrises! I didn't flip the scan. The top was dissolved from water in the can, otherwise I would have got the top of this old oak! Couldn't help some splashes hiking out with it. Replaced the camera at this great location. Something about this site makes brushstroke suntrails..the fog I think. It is This Tree . You can also see a Solargraphy Map

View to the West

26 Jan 2013 345
From Helen Putnam Regional Park Printed 25 January 2013

Old Farm House

11 Feb 2013 361
Shaded by Eukalyptus at Helen Putnam Park From quick test roll through my new FM2n. Everything seems fine! Printed 10 Feb 2013.

19 items in total