MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos with the keyword: television

PXL 20241007 140135730-001-Denmark Street

08 Mar 2025 1 22
Denmark Street is London's home to music stores, publishers and recording studios. As seen in the serier C B Strikes, in which the detective lives above one of these shops.

Theed Street

18 Jan 2016 535
Theed Street is the location used in "Call the Midwife" for exterior shots of the home of Chummy and her husband, Constable Noakes.

Theed & Whittlesey Streets

18 Jan 2016 1 472
Theed Street is the location used in "Call the Midwife" for exterior shots of the home of Chummy and her husband, Constable Noakes.

Free TV & Cart

24 May 2015 356
This house seems to be having a clearout. Every weekend, new items appear by this rock. Spring Street, Florence, MA

Bletchley Park Mansion

14 Jun 2014 3 466
Day trip to Bletchley Park, where the Brits worked to break the German enigma codes, and pretty much invented modern computing, during WWII. Unfortunately, we couldn't get in to see the interior because there was filming going on -- a movie called The Imitation Game. The mansion house is also seen in the opening of The Bletchley Circle episodes. Update: I saw The Imitation Game, and they used an entirely different mansion house (Joyce Grove, Nettlebed, Oxfordshire) for the exterior shots, which really makes no sense. But I think some of the interior shots were done inside.

Florin Court

26 Oct 2009 259
Charterhouse Square. Home of Inspector Poirot in one of the TV series. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Poirot Lived Here

26 Oct 2009 257
Florin Court, Charterhouse Square. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Crystal Palace Aerial

28 Dec 2014 289
This is not the Eiffel Tower. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Palace_transmitting_station

Pink Air Bridge 2

21 Dec 2014 324
Queen Mary University medical research complex in Whitechapel. A scene from Luther (series 2) was shot here.

Pink Air Bridge 1

21 Dec 2014 227
Queen Mary University medical research complex in Whitechapel. A scene from Luther (series 2) was shot here.

Free TV

15 Jul 2014 1 339
Bedford Terrace, Northampton, MA.

Brain on TV

07 Jun 2014 276
By Urban Solid. I'm not entirely sure where this is, but I think it's in Cheshire Street, near Blackman's and Grimsby Street.


01 Aug 2013 1 1 388
I was very surprised to see that the Shakers had a tv, but they did utilize some mod cons. This television set is similar to the one that the Shakers had in the Trustees' Office & Store, which is the most modern building at Hancock Shaker Village. Guests from the outside world were entertained in the parlor. hancockshakervillage.org/museum/historic-architecture/trustees-office-store

4 Princelet Street

11 Nov 2007 1 1 475
Originally a Huguenot neighborhood, then Jewish, now South Asian. The shuttered windows are typical of the houses of Huguenot silk weavers' who settled here in the early 18th century. Used in dozens of movies and television programmes, including Luther (Series 2). See where this picture was taken. [?]

Live East Die Young

21 Oct 2008 334
by Pure Evil. Leonard Street, Shoreditch. Seen in Luther, series 1, episode 1, near the beginning, when Luther and another detective come out of The Griffin and walk down Ravey Street: g.co/maps/9fqmb See where this picture was taken. [?]


20 Nov 2011 347
In Sclater Street, by Mighty Mo. Seen in the final scene of Luther, Series 2. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Dockside Cranes - Call the Midwife

02 Mar 2013 390
You can see these cranes during the opening credits of Call the Midwife. Historic Dockyard, Chatham.

Outside the Ropery - Call the Midwife

02 Mar 2013 1 397
I didn't know it at the time I was there, but the Historic Dockyard is used for many of the exterior locations in Call the Midwife. I think the midwives ride their bicycles over these cobbles at the beginning of each episode. I'd really love to go back to the Dockyard for one of their Call the Midwife tours.