Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: petals

White Rose

04 Dec 2023 16 28 164
Taken indoors, using flash. Cropped and converted to mono and a white vignette added. (The rose was originally pink).

Fading Beauty

21 Jun 2023 24 32 199
This came from a bunch of flowers that were past their best. Photographed indoors in natural light from the window.

Pink Petals

12 Jun 2023 23 28 153
I spotted this gorgeous pink rose in someone's garden a while ago and couldn't resist leaning over the fence to take a photo of it.

Fallen Petals

23 Feb 2023 24 34 196
Taken before a bunch of my wife's flowers were put into the compost bin.

Crocus (+ PiP)

21 Feb 2023 24 32 199
This image and PiP posted for the latest Macro Dreams Challenges group theme : Flowers or Petals. Will also fit earlier themes; Gold, Spring, The Inside of Something, Flower Heart, Five or More.

Iris Petals (with bonus fly)

11 Jun 2022 25 33 185
Taken in my garden. Macro Dreams ✨ challenges: Petals through light, Nature's Poetry.

Wash Day

16 May 2020 27 33 246
We popped out to the shops yesterday and when we got back we found the fairies had been in the garden and done some washing :-)) Please view large, on black.

Flower Fertilisation??

11 Dec 2018 16 19 369
I recently bought a small A4 sized light box and thought I'd have a play. This was an idea prompted by one of those drawings you see in biology books of the male's sperm swimming for the female's egg. Not sure if it works or not, but I quite like it for a first attempt. Apologies to my wife for deconstructing a couple of her last surviving flowers :-) Looks better viewed large, on black. Thank you.

Fallen Petals

15 Oct 2018 8 8 268
Taken in my garden.


09 Sep 2017 1 196
Better (and pinker) viewed large, on black.

Be very afraid!

08 May 2016 8 8 331
This Primrose looks quite scary when seen close-up - or is it just me!? This one lives in our local cemetery :-)) View large if you dare!

Hover fly on calendula