Karen's Place's photos with the keyword: birds

Pet Shop Birds

03 Sep 2016 8 4 363
Sight and Sound I've got a little leftover stock from my trip to the pet shop last weekend so I thought I'd link it with this classic by the "Pet Shop Boys." Anybody remember this one? Pet Shop Boys first released this as a single in 1984 and then later on their 1986 album "Please." West End Girls West End Girls


19 Aug 2016 10 6 440
Sight and Sound I was down at the pond one evening watching the birds dart above the water catching their dinner. I took this photo of a Pacific Slope Flycatcher while he was resting on a branch. (Looks nice big.) This piece of music reminds me of all the little birds fluttering about that evening in the warm light. Ravel A really nice performance if you can see it: Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and Strings (musician's credits at the end) Album: Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and Strings Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and Strings

Wild Geese

29 Jun 2016 5 8 382
Sight and Sound I took this one a little while ago. It was my first time actually capturing birds in flight that were somewhat recognizable. Not completely in focus, I salvaged it by changing it to b/w, using "infrared" and s/c so you could actually see the geese. I'm pairing it with this instrumental by this group from the Netherlands. The Arrows from their "Step Out" album Vol.2 (1998) (Sorry, it's the only link I could find) Wild Geese


19 May 2016 11 8 424
A pair of Canadian geese visited our pond. James Galway & Phil Coulter from the album "Legends" (1997) Lament for the Wild Geese Lament for the Wild Geese

Love Nest

08 May 2016 11 21 453
Sight and Sound Happy Mother's Day! Here's a little addendum (and some quick snaps) to my photo from yesterday of the little bird nest since so many of you were concerned for its safety. As you can see it is pretty well hidden between the barn and the water faucet and not just out in the open like it looked in my photo. Today I went out to make sure Momma "Tap Tap" was doing all right after I disturbed her yesterday and, lo and behold, 3 of her babies have hatched! What a great Mother's Day surprise. :) I will pair this with a song that was released, this very weekend, way back in 1973 by George Harrison. Thanks, Mick, for that info and for the suggestion. :) From the album "Living in the Material World" Give Me Love Give Me Love (p.s. Our cats don't go outside their little fenced in area and can't get to the nest so no worries you guys! :)

Nest Eggs

08 May 2016 16 39 497
TSC Sight and Sound May 7th - "Take a picture of what you are doing on this day." On this day I went exploring and found a little bird's nest filled with eggs. It belongs to a Dark Eyed Junco We have many of these little birds here year round. We call them "Tap Taps" because they come to the upstair's window and tap on it and drive the cats crazy. The male will get in fights with his own reflection in our car mirrors if we leave them parked outside the garage for any length of time. It's really funny to watch, but can make a mess on your car. You can see this happening here And a little update on the nest: Here And, of course, a song to go along: Annie Lennox from "Diva" (1992) Live: Little Bird Acoustic version live: Little Bird