Karen's Place's photos


01 Jan 2022 28 30 516
Well, another year has gone flying by. I wish you all a good 2022. ..and for "Sight and Sound' (always a song) Muse from their album "The Resistance" (2009) Live: Uprising Uprising

Tis the Season...

21 Dec 2021 34 28 426
A Merry Christmas to everyone! :) You haven't seen me around for a while, only because I haven't been taking many photos lately. I thought this amaryllis that my son gave me would make a cheerful holiday image that you'll hopefully enjoy. Wishing you all good health and Happy holidays! ...and for "Sight and Sound:" Dan Fogelberg from "The First Christmas Morning" album (1999) This Endris Night

In Honor of Veteran's Day

11 Nov 1944 16 10 278
This is my great grandma Molly and 3 of her grandsons (my uncles) circa 1944.

~Ride the Wind~

06 Nov 2021 18 16 393
The Youngbloods from their "Elephant Mountain" album (1969) Ride the Wind Ride the Wind

Fall Color

21 Oct 2021 43 31 377
Some fall color for you! (Japanese Maples)


14 Oct 2021 17 11 376
For "Sight and Sound" Art Garfunkel from his album "Watermark" (1977) Watermark Watermark


08 Sep 2021 18 14 396
I hope you like geraniums. :) ..and for "Sight and Sound" The Civil Wars from their album "Poison and Wine" (2009) Pressing Flowers Pressing Flowers


27 Sep 2021 26 21 396
For "Sight and Sound" Joni Mitchell from her album "Ladies of the Canyon" (1970) Rainy Night House Rainy Night House


22 Sep 2021 37 25 461
Added a new lily to the pond this summer. Nymphaea 'Gonnere' is a White Hardy Water Lily that was introduced in 1914. I think she's very sweet. :) Cat Stevens Lilywhite Lilywhite

So Long, Summer...

21 Sep 2021 24 18 285
Well, once again summer is coming to an end. I'm just happy that it was such a beautiful one this year with lots of sun. For "Sight and Sound" The Beatles from their album "A Hard Day's Night" (1964) Happy Just to Dance With You Happy Just to Dance With You


08 Sep 2021 20 12 303
For "Sight and Sound:" Seal from his album self-titled album (1994) Dreaming in Metaphors piano version: Dreaming in Metaphors

Alone But Not Lonely

30 Jul 2021 40 29 453
For "Sight and Sound" Mary Chapin Carpenter from her album "Time*Sex*Love" (2001) Alone But Not Lonely Alone But Not Lonely


27 Aug 2021 25 21 280
Marble among the maple leaves.

I think I'll sit a while.

Mr. Bear

14 Aug 2021 32 35 374
This big guy wandered into our yard the other day and enjoyed some apples from our tree. We wondered why our apple tree had so many broken branches this summer. Usually the deer aren't that hard on it. Now I think we know why. You can also see a video of him here: Bear and the Apple Tree


16 Aug 2021 38 30 440
This little guy was staying cool in the shade on a hot summer's day. For "Sight and Sound" John Denver from his "Back Home Again" (1974) Cool an' Green an' Shady Cool an' Green an' Shady

May I Have This Dance?

19 Jul 2021 31 34 330
For "Sight and Sound" The Temptations from their album "Meet the Temptations" (1964) May I Have This Dance? May I Have This Dance?

1291 items in total