Jean-Michel's articles with the keyword: birthday

  • Happy birthday, my friend

    - 28 Nov 2007
    A best friend shares the good times and helps you out by listening during the bad times. Today is one of those good times to share, so let's celebrate ! Happy birthday, my friend !        

  • Happy birthday Tristan !

    - 05 Sep 2007
    C'est pas parcequ'on l'a fêté hier soir qu'on peut pas lui souhaiter aujourd'hui !! Alors tous en coeur: ♫ ♫ Happy Birthday to youuuuuu ♫♫ Happy Birthday to youuuuuu ♫♫ ♫♫ Happy Biiiiirthday to youu Tristaaaaaaaan ♫♫ Happy Birthday to youuuuuu ♫♫ ♫♫