Heidiho's photos with the keyword: beach

Jūrmala Sunset (2)

Jūrmala Sunset (1)

Gute Frage ....

13 Jun 2017 38 38 480
... was ist eigentlich aus unserer allerliebsten Quietscheentchen/rubberducks - Gruppe geworden ??? Picture from my former PANORAMIO - gallery (june 2011 - nov 2016).

Crete. Tholos Beach. 200309 ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

24 Jan 2016 41 46 1406
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ... Zorbas Syrtaki ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sunday Challenge (24 january `16): INDULGENCE . Fraggle said: processing however you like so long as it looks like what it is. .... not easy challenge, cos: never before heard this word. So I asked google`s translater. And look, what he done - there are a lot of meanings in German !!! In the end it means: all and nothing. So I listened into myself, what means "paradise" for me ? .... summer, sun, beach, music, blue sky, coffee, something fresh to eat, a camera to conservate memories ..... last but not least, somebody to love side by side (btw: it was our honeymoon ....) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Übersetzungen für indulgence: Substantiv: der Genuss enjoyment, pleasure, consumption, indulgence die Nachsicht indulgence, forbearance, leniency, tolerance, patience, clemency der Ablass outlet, indulgence, drainage, letting out der Luxus luxury, indulgence, extravagance, sumptuousness die Nachgiebigkeit indulgence, compliance, pliability, softness, permissiveness, spring die Verwöhnung indulgence, spoiling die Hingabe devotion, dedication, abandonment, abandon, indulgence, voluptuousness die Verhätschelung indulgence die Einwilligung consent, agreement, acquiescence, indulgence die Zustimmung approval, consent, agreement, assent, approbation, sanction