Heidiho's photos with the keyword: flower

the one and only

06 Jan 2018 35 19 934
Saturday Self-Challenge (January 6, 2018): creative minimalism using only one subject in your photo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....here`s my amaryllis ( s. PiP ), it was not blooming at Christmas. For some days I visited friends, and when I came back home .... it`s blooming ! 1 stalk, 4 blooms, each 17 cm in diameter ....


06 Jan 2018 57 28 1226
... das "richtige" Bild ist HIER

kleine Herbstwelt 17

07 Dec 2017 35 34 801
.... das war's dann; mit den Herbstimpressionen für 2017. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Euch Alle für das überaus wohlwollende Feedback zu dieser kleinen Herbstserie. Besonderer Dank aber den Machern von Macro Mondays 2.0 . Eines der dortigen Montags-Themen hat mich überhaupt erst auf die Idee zu meinem Herbst-Album gebracht.

Osterlamm. Frierend

15 Apr 2017 29 25 644
Saturday Self-Challenge : This week's challenge: Easter Take a new photo that conveys what Easter means to you and if you don't celebrate Easter your subject can be eggs, baskets, bunnies, lambs, chicks etc. I hope that will work for everyone. Process as you like and have fun! :)

Mallnow. Adonishänge. 201604

Mallnow. Adonishänge. 201604

Adonis vernalis

first spring

14 Mar 2016 47 26 971
Good morning, dear friends ! After a long period of grey, cold days now sun reached my town. So I wish everybody a sunny, happy, colourful new week. Spring is in the air !!!

red and black

03 Aug 2015 34 20 951
NOT The Sunday Challenge (2 Aug '15) ..... 2 challenges, here: abstract in nature + low key. -------------------------------------------------------------- 10-Week Picture Projects: Opposites, Week 9 (August 3 - 9): smooth

from another world

from another world ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

10 Jun 2015 34 20 707
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ... song sung blue ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

from another world

10 Jun 2015 20 8 520
... a cell phone shot, only ...

red. abstract

01 Jun 2015 44 28 751
NOT The Sunday Challenge (31. Mai 2015): abstract (made by my new mobile phone, inside standard photo program)

flower. girl

30 May 2015 25 18 669
... better see on black ---------------------------------- entdeckt: am Sowjetischen Ehrenmal Berlin Treptow, am 8. Mai 2015. 70. Jahrestag zum Tag der Befreiung, "VE-day". Die Tanzende Frau gehörte der ukrainischen (!) Delegation an.