m̌ ḫ's photos with the keyword: bokeh ぼけ

From the Spring seris


10 Mar 2021 3 1 190
A yellowy orange coloured leafy lichen that is one of the most common species around. The yellow chemical xanthorin is thought to be produced as a defence against UV radiation to which it is exposed in its normal habitat - cement tiled roofs, exposed twigs and branches etc. When it is growing in the shade it does not require such protection and xanthorin production stops and the lichen remains green. In or after rain, this lichen appears more greeny yellow as the algae shows through the more translucent fungus. www.naturespot.org.uk/species/xanthoria-parietina

Still Life II.

Flora in detail

After rain II.

After rain III.

After rain I.

Into the Green II.

Before the bloom detailed

Before the bloom

Lion dance III.

Countryside people watching big city show

23 items in total