m̌ ḫ's photos with the keyword: 2021

A folly

25 Dec 2021 27 15 354
Broadway Tower The Tower is an iconic landmark on top of the beautiful Cotswolds escarpment. It was the brainchild of the great 18thcentury landscape designer, “Capability Brown”. His vision was carried out for George William 6th Earl of Coventry with the help of renowned architect James Wyatt and completed in 1798. The location for the Tower was wisely chosen, a dramatic outlook on a pre-medieval trading route and beacon hill. James Wyatt designed his “Saxon Tower” as an eccentric amalgamation of architectural components ranging from turrets, battlements and gargoyles to balconies. broadwaytower.co.uk

A water story

18 Dec 2021 18 11 407
Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve currently covers 785 hectares and has a number of important designations: National Nature Reserve, and Site of Special Scientific Interest; a Special Area of Conservation and a Ramsar Site (an international wetland designation). The straight, raised waterways that cross the area to the south of Wicken may be of Roman origin, used to transport goods to the River Cam and from there up to King's Lynn. The later medieval period saw some localised drainage at the fen edge that produced grazing land. In the seventeenth century the land was drained and transformed into intensively farmed countryside that continues today. Yet the area known as Wicken Fen always remained undrained and was used for peat digging and sedge harvesting by local villagers. It became popular from the mid-nineteenth century with Victorian naturalists. A young Charles Darwin collected beetles here in the 1820s, while the fathers of modern ecology and conservation, Cambridge botanists Sir Harry Godwin and Dr. Arthur Tansley, would later carry out their pioneering work here. In the 1890s when the peat and sedge economies collapsed, Charles Rothschild, of the banking dynasty, and a passionate entomologist, purchased 2 acres of the Fen for £10 and donated them to the National Trust. In 1999, the National Trust launched the “Wicken Fen Vision”, an ambitious 100-year, landscape-scale conservation project to extend the reserve from Wicken south towards the outskirts of Cambridge, covering an area of 5300 sq hectares. The aim is to create a mix of wetland habitats to include wet grasslands, reed beds, marsh, fen and shallow ponds and ditches, as well as establishing chalk grassland and woodlands. These new areas all help to protect the existing Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve, which is one of the most important in Europe. As it is not possible to manage newer areas of the reserve in such an intensive manner as the ancient heart of the fen, the restoration has three key elements. These are: natural regeneration of plants; reducing the loss of water through field drains and ditches, and the use of grazing animals. Grazing animals will help wetland and grassland plants to become established in new areas of the nature reserve. The introduction of grazing herds of Highland cattle originating in Scotland, and Eastern European Konik ponies, are helping to create these new habitats. These are hardy breeds, capable of thriving on fenland all year round, plus they have a placid nature. Their impact on vegetation will vary, with some areas grazed more heavily than others. Their introduction to the reserve will also attract new species of flora and fauna to the fen, through their well trodden paths in areas of long grass, dusty hollows where they roll and their dung. When horses graze they eat selected plants leaving short, cropped grass. Cattle tear at vegetation and leave a rougher landscape. These grazing styles complement each other for the long term management of Wicken’s new areas of nature reserve. www.wicken.org.uk

the Fen

18 Dec 2021 17 343
Wicken Fen, one of Europe's most important wetlands, supports an abundance of wildlife. There are more than 9000 species, including a spectacular array of plants, birds and dragonflies. The raised boardwalk and lush grass droves allow easy access to a lost landscape of flowering meadows, sedge and reedbeds, where you can encounter rarities such as hen harriers, water voles and bitterns. Wicken Fen Vision, an ambitious landscape-scale conservation project, is opening up new areas of land to explore. Our grazing herds of Highland cattle and Konik ponies are helping to create a diverse range of new habitats. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wicken-fen-nature-reserve

...another beautiful morning seen from my kitchen

13 Dec 2021 25 393
Hampstead is the most beautiful part of London

Infinity Room

13 Nov 2021 26 10 414
Step into infinite space Tate presents a rare chance to experience two of Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirror Rooms. These immersive installations transport you into Kusama’s unique vision of endless reflections. Infinity Mirrored Room – Filled with the Brilliance of Life is one of Kusama’s largest installations to date and was made for her 2012 retrospective at Tate Modern. It is shown alongside Chandelier of Grief, a room which creates the illusion of a boundless universe of rotating crystal chandeliers. A small presentation of photographs and moving image – some on display for the first time – provides historical context for the global phenomenon that Kusama’s mirrored rooms have become today. Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan, Kusama came to international attention in 1960s New York for a wide-ranging creative practice that has encompassed installation, painting, sculpture, fashion design and writing. Since the 1970s she has lived in Tokyo, where she continues to work prolifically and to international acclaim. www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/exhibition/yayoi-kusama-infinity-mirror-rooms

The Red Post Box

07 Nov 2021 23 12 524
The red post box is an iconic piece of British heritage, having been a familiar piece of the streets for nearly 180 years. There are around 155,500 post boxes across the UK, with a substantial portion of these situated in London. When it comes to post boxes, there are two main factors which distinguish them from each other – their design and the royal cypher. The roadside post box has existed since the reign of Queen Victoria, with every subsequent monarch’s cypher being immortalised on the front (e.g. here - VR - Victoria Regina). Prior to postal reform in 1840, mail was an expensive form of communication. The Uniform Penny Post was introduced, meaning the sender pre-paid the postal costs, rather than the recipient. The same year, the Penny Black adhesive stamp was released. It wasn’t until 12 years later, the first roadside Post Office pillar box was erected in St Helier, Jersey as a trial. In 1853, the first roadside pillar box was established in the mainland United Kingdom in Carlisle. In 1856, Richard Redgrave (1804-1888) from the Department of Science and Art came up with an ornate pillar box design to be used in London and other cities. From 1857, some post boxes were built into existing walls (as this one, located in Hampstead, North London). memoirsofametrogirl.com/2019/07/21/london-post-boxes-royal-mail-history-queen-victoria-queen-elizabeth-ii

An object from Space

17 Sep 2021 16 8 403
Gottlieb Eliel Saarinen {1873 – 1950) was a Finnish-American architect known for his work with art nouveau buildings in the early years of the 20th century. In 1925 George Gough Booth asked him to design the campus of Cranbrook Educational Community, intended to be an American equivalent to the Bauhaus. Saarinen taught there and became president of the Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1932. In c. 1929–34, Eliel Saarinen was produced in product design for the Wilcox Silver Plate Co. / International Silver Company in Meriden, CT. His iconic tea urn (c. 1934) was first exhibited in 1934–35 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Over the years, the tea urn has been widely exhibited, including in St. Louis Modern (2015–16) at the St Louis Art Museum, Cranbrook Goes to the Movies: Films and Their Objects, 1925–1975 at the Cranbrook Art Museum (2014–15), and in 2005–07, in the touring exhibition Modernism in American Silver: In 1951–52, the tea urn was featured in the Eliel Saarinen Memorial Exhibition which travelled to multiple venues across the United States. In addition to Cranbrook, the Dallas Museum and the St Louis Museum, The British Museum in London and the Metropolitan Museum of Art also hold tea urn-related Eliel Saarinen designs.

Scene from the Calfclose Bay

26 Aug 2021 47 30 485
Calfclose Bay is part of four waymarked walks starting from the Keswick Foreshore. The circular Lakeside Amble visits the Centenary Stone sculpture, and offers a great place for a picnic in summer, with undisturbed views across Derwentwater onto Catbells and down to the ‘Jaws of Borrowdale’.

Belas Knap Long Barrow

15 Aug 2021 26 17 426
Belas Knap is a particularly fine example of a Neolithic long barrow, with a false entrance and side chambers. Excavated in 1863 and 1865, the remains of 31 people were found in the chambers. It was probably constructed around 3000 BC and was used for successive burials over a period of years until eventually the burial chambers were deliberately blocked. Although Belas Knap seems in good condition, this is the result of several restorations. Romano-British pottery found inside one of the burial chambers show that it was open in Roman times. It was explored between 1863 and 1865 using the archaeological methods of the time, and some years later was restored by Mrs Emma Dent of Sudeley. In 1928–30 the site was excavated again, before being restored as we see it today. www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/belas-knap-long-barrow

A Witch is taking you...

16 Aug 2021 17 7 363
Banbury-based environmental sculptor David Gosling made a witch sculpture at the Rollright Stones - reflecting the folklore legends associated with the Stones.

Little duckling and its adult role-models

22 Aug 2021 29 13 407
There are many swans in Windsor. Swan Upping is an annual census of this bird's population of the River Thames. The ceremony takes place during the third week of July every year. The historic ceremony dates back to the 12th C a.d. when the Crown claimed ownership of all the mute swans. Today the Crown retains the right of ownership of all unmarked mute swans on certain stretches of the River Thames and its surrounding tributaries. While rowing by Windsor Castle, it’s tradition for the Uppers to toast to “Her Majesty the Queen, Seigneur of the Swans.” The Queen isn’t usually home to appreciate the gesture—she’s only attended one Swan Upping throughout her entire reign.

A botanical garden