Derelict's articles with the keyword: movies

  • Movie Moment: Double bill

    - 05 Aug 2010
    I saw Inception this past week; it's a very good movie. I must admit that I did fall victim to hype however, because it wasn't the mind blowing experience I was preparing myself for. Still, it has a great story, great cast, and was very well made even with a few twist and turns that I could see coming despite my attempts to lose myself in the moment and not think about the next steps (as I tend to enjoy doing in movies). Regardless of that, it's a definite recommendation-to-see from myself. No…

  • Movie Moment: Double Bill

    - 02 Dec 2009
    My wife and I watched Knowing the other night (staring Nicolas Cage). I did not like it. The beginning was cool, but I found it soon lost it's edge. The only thing that kept me watching until the end was to see how the world was going to end, and if the writers actually went through with it. I didn't really care a whole lot about the characters, and what was supposed to be tense moments felt drawn out and tiring. I also did not like who the guys in the black trench-coats turned out to be. Lame…

  • Movie Moment - the Watchmen

    - 03 Sep 2009
    It was good. I had never read the book to compare it to, but it definitely doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Going in, I wasn't expecting a typical superhero movie, but this didn't feel like one at all. Yes, they are in there, but it was more of a crime drama to me then anything. That's not a bad thing, but at the same time I wasn't feeling pumped up by the whole event. By the end, I was happy to have seen it, but not excited that I had seen it. Rorschach was a great character though. He was…