Derelict's articles with the keyword: movie

  • Ant-Man + Marvel Movie Ranking

    - 22 Jul 2015
    We saw Ant-Man on the weekend, and I thought it was very good! That got me thinking as to how I would rank the recent run of Marvel movies, and this is what I came up with.

  • Movie Moment - Ratchet and Clank

    - 16 May 2016
    I went to see the Ratchet and Clank movie this weekend. My youngest, who's 8, wanted to see it, so it took him and my eldest who's a couple years older. My youngest had fun with it, more so than my oldest, which I think is a good representation of the audience that it's geared towards. So yes, there is an audience out there that this movie is for. But what about me?

  • Tintin

    - 27 Jul 2014
    2016 - Too far away or better left alone?

  • Movie Moment - 40,000 Feet edition

    - 07 Jul 2014
    I went to the UK recently and had a chance to watch some movies. Here are some quick synposes of what I watched. I will say that I must not be smart enough to appreciate some of the movies that were deemed Oscar worthy, as I weren't particularly impressed by them.

  • Movie Moment - Attack the Block

    - 03 Mar 2012
    Attack the Block is a UK sci-fi alien invasion movie that I believe was done on a budget with many young actors that have (to my knowledge) no world-wide recognition. It was good. It's wasn't amazing or great, but it was good. And you know what? It was better than Skyline and it was better than Battle Los Angeles. It had it's over the top moments, but it had a lot of grounded and realistic moments as well. Nothing was particularly perfected in anything that was done, but nothing was poorly…

  • Movie Moment: Double bill

    - 05 Aug 2010
    I saw Inception this past week; it's a very good movie. I must admit that I did fall victim to hype however, because it wasn't the mind blowing experience I was preparing myself for. Still, it has a great story, great cast, and was very well made even with a few twist and turns that I could see coming despite my attempts to lose myself in the moment and not think about the next steps (as I tend to enjoy doing in movies). Regardless of that, it's a definite recommendation-to-see from myself. No…

  • Movie Moment: Pandorum

    - 05 Jun 2010
    Pandorum is a sci-fi horror movie where a man awakens on a space ship with memory loss while other passengers are slowly introduced and he needs to start up the main reactor while avoiding deadly flesh eating monsters while the earth has blown up while trying to colonize a new planet while fighting off a mental condition brought on from such voyages causing paranoia and the space crazies! [inhales]. Phew... busy movie.

  • Movie Moment: Passchendaele

    - 05 Sep 2009
    Passchendaele - If you haven't heard of this war movie that came out last year, I'm not surprised. I'm guessing Canadian WW1 films don't get a whole lot of notice. Now let me say before I get into this review that I am biased for 2 main reasons. 1. It's a war movie about Canadian soldiers. There's not many of these around, so I automatically had an interest. 2. It was directed by and starring Paul Gross. A great Canadian actor that has done his best to keep his talent and love of film local.…

  • Movie Moment: Pride and Glory

    - 17 Aug 2009
    YES! This is my 3rd movie summary this month. NO! I don't know what's going on. Pride & Glory starring Colin Farrel, Noah Emmerick, Jon Voight, and of course, Ed Norton. It's a movie about a family of cops that get caught up in a drug bust cover up and the situation escalates from there. Sound pretty typical, and I guess the story really isn't all that creative. There's a few big name actors in it, and although they did a good job at spreading out the screen time to show them all off, the one…