Derelict's articles with the keyword: movie moment

  • Movie Moment - Monsters University

    - 26 Feb 2014
    Seems like it's been a while since I've shared my thoughts on a movie, but I'm thinking of getting back into it. This time it's for the 2013 Pixar movie Monsters University; the prequel to Monsters Inc.

  • Movie Moment: Pandorum

    - 05 Jun 2010
    Pandorum is a sci-fi horror movie where a man awakens on a space ship with memory loss while other passengers are slowly introduced and he needs to start up the main reactor while avoiding deadly flesh eating monsters while the earth has blown up while trying to colonize a new planet while fighting off a mental condition brought on from such voyages causing paranoia and the space crazies! [inhales]. Phew... busy movie.

  • Movie Moment: Double Bill

    - 02 Dec 2009
    My wife and I watched Knowing the other night (staring Nicolas Cage). I did not like it. The beginning was cool, but I found it soon lost it's edge. The only thing that kept me watching until the end was to see how the world was going to end, and if the writers actually went through with it. I didn't really care a whole lot about the characters, and what was supposed to be tense moments felt drawn out and tiring. I also did not like who the guys in the black trench-coats turned out to be. Lame…

  • Movie Moment - the Watchmen

    - 03 Sep 2009
    It was good. I had never read the book to compare it to, but it definitely doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Going in, I wasn't expecting a typical superhero movie, but this didn't feel like one at all. Yes, they are in there, but it was more of a crime drama to me then anything. That's not a bad thing, but at the same time I wasn't feeling pumped up by the whole event. By the end, I was happy to have seen it, but not excited that I had seen it. Rorschach was a great character though. He was…

  • Movie Moment: Pride and Glory

    - 17 Aug 2009
    YES! This is my 3rd movie summary this month. NO! I don't know what's going on. Pride & Glory starring Colin Farrel, Noah Emmerick, Jon Voight, and of course, Ed Norton. It's a movie about a family of cops that get caught up in a drug bust cover up and the situation escalates from there. Sound pretty typical, and I guess the story really isn't all that creative. There's a few big name actors in it, and although they did a good job at spreading out the screen time to show them all off, the one…