depscribe's photos with the keyword: woodpile

In the good old days

14 Jun 2013 1 170
Well, if the good old days were early this morning, which is when I made this picture, to remind me that I have much wood to split and stack before winter arrives in, what, six months.

"Eyed" click beetle -- another view

11 Jun 2013 1 184
Another picture of this guy. Notice his sawtooth antennae and be glad that he is not the size of a truck.

"Eyed" click beetle

11 Jun 2013 1 200
Saw this fellow, an inch and a half long, on the woodpile this afternoon and thought I'd make a picture. Those spots on his thorax are not eyes, but may be meant to seem like eyes so as to confuse predators. The click beetle is so called because of its powerful snapping of the thorax-abdomen joint which helps it escape predators in a bariety of ways -- and if it ends up on its back, it can "click" its way to rectitude. Its scientific name, in case you're interested, is Alaus oculatus. Nikon D7100 with 55-300mm Nikkor zoom -- and I simply must learn to let the stabilization system settle down before I make the picture.