depscribe's photos with the keyword: yellow jacket

A yellow jacket at work

07 Jun 2014 185
Macro in the wild is not as easy as shooting under conditions where one has control of lighting and subject -- but if you can get decent pictures where you don't have control, you can surely get great ones where you do (something not always understood, alas). This morning I was out playing around with the 105mm f2.8 Micro-Nikkor (the manual-focus one) on a D7100. I've concluded that the only way to shoot this combination is on full manual, with the camera choosing the ISO. Depth of field requires at least f11, and the magnification of camera and subject movement require a higher shutter speed than aperture-priority would allow. This was shot at 1/200 and f16, which came out to be ISO 250. I would gladly have swapped a stop of ISO in exchange for 1/500 -- so I learned something from the experiment. That having been said, I love this lens!