Bruce Hyde's photos with the keyword: odonata

Brown Hawker-DSA 8452

Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) DSC 5627

Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) DSC 5341

Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) DSC 5615

Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) DSC 5619

Brown Hawker f ovipositing (Aeshna grandis) 04a

Robust Spreadwing (Lestes dryas) (2)

Robust Spreadwing (Lestes dryas)

Western Willow Spreadwing - Lestes viridis 16-09-2…

Western Willow Spreadwing m - Lestes viridis 20-09…

Western Willow Spreadwing f (Lestes viridis)

Western Willow Spreadwing f (Lestes viridis) 2

Western Willow Spreadwing f (Lestes viridis) (2)

Western Willow Spreadwing f (Lestes viridis) 1

Western Willow Spreadwing f thorax spur (Lestes vi…

DSC 4514 Western Willow Spreadwing f (Lestes virid…

Migrant Spreadwing f - Lestes barbarus

Migrant Spreadwing f - Lestes barbarus (2)

25 items in total