autofantasia's photos with the keyword: standing

Dogs At Car Shows ...

24 Nov 2016 33 34 1913
Last of the dogs as spotted at VW North West 2011 , for the moment at least, and as you can see I left the biggest till last!

Dogs At Car Shows ...

24 Nov 2016 9 7 1581
And yet another cute looking dog as seen at VW North West 2011 .

Walking The Duck ...

28 Aug 2016 31 46 1207
For this week's Sunday Challenge , for which we were asked to get out and photograph a bird or birds . Now that may sound like an easy challenge to many of you out there. I mean as one of our 'leaders' pointed out everywhere in the world has birds: you can visit a lake, a woodland, a wetland or even take pics of the garden birds from the comfort of your own home. They can be flying, up a tree, in a bush, on the ground, in the water, or a budgie in a cage. Yes indeed, all true. However, I quickly came to realise that much of what you can achieve in this area is down to the equipment you have at your disposal. Now whilst I am lucky enough to have a Nikon D90, I only have the 18-105mm kit lens that came with it and although it's proven to be quite sufficient for most of the photographs I take it does have obvious limitations. For this particular challenge I found it very difficult to fill the frame with my chosen subject even when I'd zoomed in as far as I could. And when I tried to get closer to the subjects to compensate for this I found most birds flew off before I could get close enough to get the shot I was after. So, accepting the limitations of my equipment and my poor field craft I decided to pay a visit to nearby Great Ayton. This small village, a few miles from Northallerton, has a large duck population and so I thought they'd be more used to people and so might be more tolerant of any would be photographers. Once again though what sounded easy became more complicated on the ground and taught me much not only about my camera, but also ducks in general. For example, I thought with it being a sunny day they'd be on the village green or sunning themselves on the river bank meaning light wouldn't be an issue ... no such luck! No, it turns out that when it's warm and sunny these ducks prefer to be in the water underneath the shade of the densest trees they can find. And whilst I might normally try to overcome that by shooting at a slower shutter speed I couldn't do that because these pesky birds rarely seem to stay still for a second: constantly moving, flapping their wings and doing anything they can to make getting a decent shot of them nigh on impossible. This meant that in the end, from literally hundreds of shots (yes really), I only managed to get a handful that I was happy with ... proving that shooting birds isn't all it's quacked up to be!

Dogs At Car Shows ...

04 Jun 2016 2 4 716
Another in my "Dogs At Car Shows" series of images and once again taken at Newby Hall Classic Car Show back in 2013. Looked like this one was a good age, but still enjoying life ... sad to think though that 3 years on it may now have passed away.

People At Car Shows ...

15 Jan 2016 2 2 881
Nothing like a bit of people watching at a car show! This shot also helps demonstrate just how tightly packed they had some of the things at this event: not just the cars side by side, but the aisles too.

That's My Boy ...

05 Apr 2015 43 57 1821
Or maybe it's a girl ... whatever sex it was this calf was extremely cute and being carefully watched over by its mother. As seen on the way into Mount Grace Priory in North Yorkshire and taken for this week's Sunday Challenge which had the theme of looking down . Hit z to view large and get added cuteness!

Dogs At Car Shows ...

13 Mar 2015 13 12 932
Spotted this one apparently checking himself out in the mirror of a TR4 and no doubt thinking to himself: "Hot Dawg ... damn I look good today!"

People At Car shows

08 Jan 2015 4 8 960
Spotted these two guys shooting and old Rolls-Royce at the show. Not sure if they were together or if the guy standing was just waiting his turn to get the 'killer' shot of the car head on.

Dogs At Car Shows ...

28 Dec 2014 6 8 809
Another cute four-legged friend spotted at the show, which actually looked like it was having a good time. I think this may be some kind of Spaniel?

People At Car Shows

18 Dec 2014 1 6 590
Nothing like a car show to get two men talking!

Dogs At Car Shows

19 Nov 2014 9 12 853
The only dog that has ever bitten me was a Jack Russell. However, I still found this little chap rather cute!

People At Car Shows

19 Nov 2014 9 4 1106
Now then, is this: a very large man taking photos; a very small car; or maybe both? Yeah, my money is on option three too!

Dogs At Car Shows

19 Jul 2014 3 2 778
Not sure what his owner was looking at in the other direction, but this one definitely thinks the action is to be had elsewhere!

People At Car Shows

03 Jul 2014 2 719
SEP Events specialise in event car parking, traffic management, signage, admissions and access control. They also have an interesting home page ...

People At Car Shows

20 Mar 2014 1 3 530
This is the couple that own the lovely Mk1 Scirocco I posted a shot of recently - VRH 845W. So now you know why they look so happy!

2000 Westfield Kit Car - Y847 EHN

27 Feb 2014 1 2 1102
These are fabulous little cars to look at, but sadly I've never experienced what it's like to drive one.

Dogs At Car Shows

06 Feb 2014 2 1 518
This is the star of my "It Really Is A Dog's Life" bit of fun from a few days ago. First she wouldn't look at me and then she wouldn't stay still ... what is it they say about working with animals!

Dogs At Car Shows

12 Jan 2014 495
Not my best shot ever, just a snap taken with my little Olympus C-370, but thought it worth posting as it's such a gorgeous looking dog.

20 items in total