autofantasia's photos with the keyword: barking

Barking Mad - Pt.2 ...

03 Mar 2015 3 10 852
Here's another of the 'nearly made it' shots for this week's Sunday Challenge which had the theme of trees . Once again the subject is the old elderberry tree that is at the bottom of our garden. One of the larger branches was obviously sawn off in the distant past and this is looking straight on to the cut section. Not quite as sharp as I might have liked so I can see me revisiting this one at some point in the future.

Barking Mad ...

02 Mar 2015 9 8 1006
Here's one of the 'nearly made it' shots for this week's Sunday Challenge which had the theme of trees . This is actually an old, make that a very old, elderberry tree that is at the bottom of our garden. The bark is quite spectacular even if I suspect most of the tree is now dead.