autofantasia's photos with the keyword: Destroyers

Leave This One Alone ...

09 Jun 2015 8 6 1284
An early attempt at producing an image for this week's Sunday Challenge , which has the theme of favourite song or songs . It was going to be matched with "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedance Clearwater Revival. In the end though I realised I'd made a school boy error with this collage as I'd failed to realise the light was coming from the wrong direction for the it to be emanating from my 'bad moon'. So I produced another image entitled Don't Go Around Tonight ... to be my main entry and to go with the CCR hit. However, despite its flawed lighting I still kind of like this one so I decided to upload it anyway, but this time paired up with another rock classic, which I felt was equally appropriate. "Bad to the Bone" is a song by George Thorogood & The Destroyers, which was first released in 1982 on the album of the same name. I first heard it when I went to see John Carpenter's "Christine" at the cinema, which itself was based on the best-selling novel by Stephen King. However, you might have heard it playing during the bar scene in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" when the Terminator is first shown in his full leather outfit. To be honest it has been used in dozens of movie scenes and television shows over the years, but despite that I never tire of hearing it and I don't think I ever will. As with Don't Go Around Tonight ... my image is a composite of sorts. The building is actually from a shot I took myself in Harrogate during daylight, but which I 'tweaked' in an attempt to create the illusion that it was shot at night. As for my very own 'bad moon', the base image was obtained as a download from the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio and you'll find a copy of this in the Notes. You can find out more about this organisation and check out further images by following the link below: The skull element was based around work produced by Marc Gosselin on DeviantArt and again you'll find a copy of the original unaltered image in the Notes. You can see more of Marc's work by following the link below: Thanks for the starry night sky must go a Wiki user called chensiyuan who took this shot, which is entitled "Vermont_night_sky_stargazing". You can find more of their images by following the link below: You can listen to "Bad To The Bone" via the MP3 I've inserted above or, if you want to see the video to the song then follow the link below: