autofantasia's photos with the keyword: wire

Where's The Pussycat ...

04 May 2017 36 62 2272
For this week's Sunday Challenge , the theme for which was glass . A challenge that finally gave me an excuse to take some shots of this cute little owl. The wings, legs and head are metal, but the body is made from a single piece of orange glass. I tried him in various positions around the garden, but decided in the end to use this shot of him sat on the roof of our smallest garden shed, mainly because I liked how the light was illuminating the glass. Once I'd decided to go with this shot though I had to get busy with the cloning tool as the roof was covered in bird poo ... nothing to do with the owl I hasten to add! Please view on black for best effect.

Stuck Behind Bars ...

26 May 2015 5 9 935
I originally took this window shot The Sunday Challenge , but didn't use it. Then this week I was going to submit it to the same group when the theme was fences , but once again it lost out. However, that's not to say I don't like it ... I do and so I thought I'd upload it for NTSC rather than it being left abandoned once again in the archives!

Killer Legs

06 Oct 2014 43 38 1807
So this week's Sunday Challenge had the theme of legs: table, chair or otherwise. Now, as nobody would really want to see my old legs and my wife wasn't up for letting me take a photo of hers that left me with somewhat of a dilemma. I must admit I struggled to come up with an alternative trying things like shopping trolleys, but to no avail. In the end I settled for shooting an electrical pylon located between Northallerton and Osmotherley, which was fairly easy to access from the roadside. Some might say I should have shown more of the legs, but that would have brought the surrounding countryside into the frame and made the sign that my title refers to more difficult to read. So, I settled for this particular shot from the many I took. Admittedly, it has been processed somewhat, but that was to create a darker and more sombre atmosphere than a sunny Sunday afternoon could offer. Give it large for best effect! ;)

1964 Ford Consul Capri - PEF 126

23 Jan 2014 1 1041
Close up shot of the gorgeous front end on that green Consul Capri.

1974 Jaguar E-Type - CCA 47M

04 Jan 2014 2 2 851
Always a joy when you find a nice car in a quiet spot where you can (hopefully) take a decent photo, as was the case with this E-Type Jaguar.

1963 Jaguar - DGA 341B

1963 Jaguar - DGA 341B