autofantasia's photos with the keyword: ruins

Towards Fountains Abbey ...

05 Jun 2017 39 60 1570
For this week's Sunday Challenge , for which we were asked to take a photograph of a place you love . I was torn between RHS Harlow Carr and Fountains Abbey for this particular challenge, but in the end decided to take a shot of the latter if only because we had a trip to there already planned. This is the view as you walk down towards the ruins from the main Visitor Centre and I like it because I think it encapsulates what the place has to offer in addition to the abbey: peace, tranquillity, beautiful scenery, wildlife and a feeling of wellbeing. And in case anyone is wondering if the sheep and the solo bird were added or cloned in I can honestly say they were not, I was just lucky I guess when it came to getting my shot. Please view on black for best effect.

Under The Arches ...

30 May 2016 32 35 980
A late entry for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of half-light is this shot taken recently at Fountains Abbey. Hopefully, despite being taken during the day it still qualifies as it was pretty much half-light and half-shadow in that passageway when I took the photo. If the powers that be disagree with my interpretation feel free to delete.

Long Way Back ...

13 May 2016 9 10 777
Okay, here's the last of the 'nearly ran' entries for this week's Sunday Challenge for which the theme was simply May 7th . It's another of my first real attempts at taking panoramas and once again features Fountains Abbey . This one is produced from 6 shots taken on the day and then stitched together in Photoshop. In some way this is my favourite, but again I forgot to shoot it in portrait as opposed to landscape mode. There's a lot crammed into this one so it's perhaps best viewed large on black for best effect. Thanks once again to Graham Chance for all the advice and encouragement he has given me regarding tackling panoramas, both before and since this shoot. I hope I can learn from the experience and go on to produce more effective images of this type in the future.

Amongst The Ruins ...

13 May 2016 4 2 698
Another 'nearly ran' for this week's Sunday Challenge for which the theme was simply May 7th . It's another of my first real attempts at taking panoramas and once again features Fountains Abbey , but this time we're on the opposite side of the ruins. This one is produced from 6 shots taken on the day and then stitched together in Photoshop. I like this one, but feel it could have been better and I know I didn't help myself by absentmindedly shooting it in landscape as opposed to portrait mode. Some of the vertical lines are also way off and the highlights in the sky in certain areas are blown ... as the kids might say #stilllearning .

Big Blue Sky ...

08 May 2016 33 49 1384
For this week's Sunday Challenge for which the theme was simply May 7th ... either something you did on that day (i.e. yesterday) or something related to that day perhaps in history. At first I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do. I looked online for something that had happened in the past on that day that sparked an idea of an image, but that didn't really produce any inspiration. Then I looked to see if I had any unpublished archive shots that had perhaps been taken on that day in previous years, but again came up with nothing ... oh how I wish I'd undertaken a 365 challenge! However, a meet up with our good friend Gillian for earlier in the week at Fountains Abbey had to be rescheduled and so I decided to use that as an opportunity to take some photos I could perhaps use for the challenge. In addition to taking shots of individual subjects I also had a notion of trying some panorama shots. This is a technique I've long admired, but never tackled before this week. However, Graham Chance was kind enough to offer me some advice and encouraged by what he said I felt I was at least able to give it a go, which is just what I did. I did one through the week of the borders in our back garden just to get a feel for what is involved and I might post it in time if only to show my very first attempt. This particular one is the result of 10 separate images shot at Fountains Abbey yesterday (each one taken in portrait mode) and then stitched together in Photoshop. I was amazed at how easy it was to actually do as Photoshop does most of the initial work for you and the automatically merged image was fairly pleasing, although I did go on to tweak the perspective and do some basic editing. I have another 3 panorama shots from the day so I might also post them in due course. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy seeing this one. It isn't perfect by any stretch, but I feel for my first attempt out in the real world it's not too bad. As for Fountains Abbey itself, it is one of the largest and best preserved ruined Cistercian monasteries in England. It's owned by the National Trust, located approximately 3 miles south-west of Ripon in North Yorkshire, and was founded in 1132. One-of-a-kind, this special place is now recognised as a World Heritage Site. Please hit 'z' on your keyboard to view large on black for best effect.

Less Blue Sky ...

09 May 2016 23 19 1154
A 'nearly ran' for this week's Sunday Challenge for which the theme was simply May 7th . It's another of my first real attempts at taking panoramas and once again features Fountains Abbey , but this time we're much closer to the ruins. This one was produced from 9 shots taken on the day and then once again stitched together in Photoshop. Please view on black for best effect if you have a minute to spare.

All That Remains ...

17 Apr 2015 22 18 1106
This shot of the gatehouse at Whorlton Castle was taken for a recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was looking down , but not used at the time. The ruins of Whorlton Castle, a late 11th century motte-and-bailey fortress, are located on high ground to the west of the abandoned village of Whorlton. The castle itself seemed to quickly fall into disrepair, so much so that by 1343 it was described as being 'ruinous and without yearly value' Today, the only significant remains are those of this 14th century gatehouse, which may have been built by Lord Philip Darcy, who died in 1419. The rectangular structure stands partially within the ditch and its entrance passage was protected by inner and outer portcullises, which you can see in my shot. As for the village of Whorlton, it was destroyed by the Black Death to the extent that by 1428 only ten householders remained.