autofantasia's photos with the keyword: greyscale

Girls Will Be Girls ...

20 Jan 2015 10 10 1053
I had so much fun with this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of selective colouring , that I ended up with several possibles and here's the last of the ones that nearly made it. This was a candid I took at a car show and is probably one of my favourites. Not only because of the girl's beautiful smile, but because of how I came to get the shot in the first place. I'd been taking photographs of some Opel Manta cars on what I assume was a club stand when I noticed this pretty girl using the mirror of her car to check her look and apply some hairspray. I thought it would be a great candid, but either I was too slow or she was to quick in realising what I was up to. So I missed the shot I was actually after, but ended up with this, which as I say is one of my favourite candids.

Climbing The Walls ...

20 Jan 2015 9 6 1079
I had so much fun with this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of selective colouring , that I ended up with several possibles. Here's another of those that didn't get used and, once again, featuring Mr Smiley. He sure does like to go climbing. First, it was the tree in our front garden and now here he is climbing up the back wall of our house!

Smiling In The Shadows ...

18 Jan 2015 26 38 1354
This is my entry for this week's Sunday Challenge which had the theme of selective colouring . For anyone that likes to know about such matters, I use PaintShop Pro whenever I'm doing this kind of exercise: although I know there are loads of other options available. I start by getting the original image tweaked to the point where I'm happiest with it and then create a duplicate layer, which I sit above the original image. I then convert the duplicate layer to mono/greyscale before deleting out the area I want to highlight, which then lets the coloured original underneath show through. Finally, all I need to do is merge down the two layers to form one single image ... job done! This particular shot was taken a while back, but I'd never gotten around to posting it online and I felt it leant itself well to this week's challenge. Mr Smiley always makes me smile when I see him and hopefully he'll have the same effect on anyone visiting my photostream.

Something Wicked - Pt. II ...

20 Dec 2014 9 8 1174
An alternative version of Something Wicked , which was my entry for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . This time with a bit of selective colouring on the clock face. I think this still works, but I preferred the completely mono version I ended up using. The original image is in the Notes (top left corner).

Something Wicked ...

07 Dec 2014 38 41 1760
This week The Sunday Challenge had the theme of numbers: as simple as that . As long as the shot contained at least one number then pretty much anything went and you could process it (or not as the case may be) in whatever way you wanted. I did have a few shots in the archives that I thought about using, but in the end I decided to take some new shots and eventually decided to use one of All Saints Parish Church in Northallerton. This rather impressive looking old building can be found a few hundred yards away from the main High Street and occupies a corner plot offering up many opportunities for taking photos. The original image is in the Notes (top left corner), but as you'll see I've done some processing on it since it came out of the camera. Although it was taken around midday, I decided to convert it to greyscale/mono to create a slightly more sinister feel as if it were actually coming up to midnight and the witching hour, hence the title.