autofantasia's photos with the keyword: poppy

When We Remember ...

11 Nov 2016 58 42 2047
Created for Armistice Day, which is commemorated every year on November 11th to mark the agreement signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France marking the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I, which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning: the "eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month" of 1918. The image is a composite of two photos I took earlier this year. The first was of an field of poppies that I came across on the outskirts of Thirsk. This forms the basis of the image and it has then been combined with a quick shot I snapped of what I thought at the time was a Lancaster bomber, which flew over me while I was at Ripley, North Yorkshire. I've given it a slightly painterly edge to it simply because I thought it increased the feeling of fluidity I witnessed whilst walking amongst the poppies. Also for Remembrance Sunday ... lest we forget. *Thanks to those who have been kind enough to confirm that the plane is indeed a Lancaster and to Pam J in particular for providing the great link below:

The Latest Thing ...

25 Apr 2016 9 16 704
A nearly ran for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of visual puns . This was a quick bit of fiddling with an archive shot, but in the end I came up with something entirely new. Still, I do think this 'eye-pod' is rather appealing ... isn't Mother Nature just amazing!

Summer Spin ...

03 Feb 2015 2 4 923
Taking a little break today from the cars and the bikes to upload some slightly more abstract stuff. First up this rather colourful orb - a square crop of the original shot as taken by me can be found in the Notes.

One In A Million

17 Aug 2014 36 46 1736
I shot this recently whilst walking through fields on the outskirts of Northallerton. Submitted for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of 1 or 3 or 5 of something and left us wide open as far as subject and processing was concerned. Cropped widescreen to try and emphasise the solitary nature of the single poppy in what I believe was a field of wheat or barley. View large for best effect.