autofantasia's photos with the keyword: arty

Artist At Work ...

11 Mar 2015 9 4 1463
No, this isn't me having another go with HDR, even if it does have a rather vibrant look to it. Instead this is a shot I took with my little 'point and shoot' Olympus, which I introduced to PaintShop Pro and had some fun with.

Dance Yourself Dizzy ...

15 Jan 2015 10 10 901 Original image in Notes.

Ground Control To Major Tom ...

06 Jan 2015 12 8 1183
Here's another one of the shots I took of The Northern Echo Arena, which is home of Darlington Mowden Park RFC and situated on the outskirts of the town, a few months back. I was going to use it for The Sunday Challenge when the theme was grey . This time I've done some post-processing on it, just for a bit of fun.

Texture Like Sun ...

04 Jan 2015 24 35 1250
The theme for The Sunday Challenge this week was middle of the day ... as simple as that, or not as the case may be. I did think about doing some arty farty macro style shots of a clock face or a watch, but I used an image of the clock tower at All Saints Church in Northallerton just a couple of weeks back so I rules those ideas out. Eventually, I just decided to go take the camera outside one day over lunch, starting from just before midday until just after 1.00pm and shoot whatever I saw that took my fancy ... yes, I was starting to get that feeling of desperation that being involved with TSC can produce. I took several shots around town, but the one I've opted to use was taken in my back garden. I noticed that the bright midday sun was striking a small pile of fallen leaves and creating some lovely shadows. It might not look like it was taken in the early afternoon, but believe me it was ... honest!

Blue Christmas ...

24 Dec 2014 9 10 924
A similar shot to the one I submitted for the recent Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of Christmas . This one processed to reflect the 'other side' of Christmas. With 1 in 4 people in the UK expected tp experience a mental health problem each year and loneliness on the increase (especially in the over Seventies) it would seem that not everyone will have the type of Christmas they might have wished for. Not so much merry or even white, but rather more lonely and blue. My thoughts then go out to those people for whom this Christmas may not be the happiest. Hopefully, 2015 will see them experience better times.

Time To Play ...

20 Dec 2014 11 8 858
An alternative version of Three, Four, Six ... , which was itself a 'nearly ran' for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . No real difference other than I had some fun with bubbles.

Something Wicked - Pt. II ...

20 Dec 2014 9 8 1174
An alternative version of Something Wicked , which was my entry for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . This time with a bit of selective colouring on the clock face. I think this still works, but I preferred the completely mono version I ended up using. The original image is in the Notes (top left corner).

Artist At Work ...

11 Dec 2014 8 8 858
Just me trying out some new techniques and playing around with a well known automotive brand. Original SOOTC shot in Notes.

Three, Four, Six ...

07 Dec 2014 7 12 875
A 'nearly ran' for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of numbers . Hopscotch is a children's game that was certainly popular when I was growing up, long before computers and smart phones took over. However, I'm not sure it's played much these days and therefore was surprised to recently find this one marked out in a children's playground in Romanby, Northallerton. When I first came across it the numbers were marked out in white, but when I returned this week to take this particular photo I found they'd been repainted in this very bright shade of yellow.

Something Wicked ...

07 Dec 2014 38 41 1762
This week The Sunday Challenge had the theme of numbers: as simple as that . As long as the shot contained at least one number then pretty much anything went and you could process it (or not as the case may be) in whatever way you wanted. I did have a few shots in the archives that I thought about using, but in the end I decided to take some new shots and eventually decided to use one of All Saints Parish Church in Northallerton. This rather impressive looking old building can be found a few hundred yards away from the main High Street and occupies a corner plot offering up many opportunities for taking photos. The original image is in the Notes (top left corner), but as you'll see I've done some processing on it since it came out of the camera. Although it was taken around midday, I decided to convert it to greyscale/mono to create a slightly more sinister feel as if it were actually coming up to midnight and the witching hour, hence the title.

1970 Jaguar E-Type - XHH 52H

05 Jun 2014 9 14 1352
Apologies for the processing around this one, but the background was pretty messy so I thought I'd try and tidy it up a bit.

1967 Ford Anglia 1200 Deluxe - RHM 849F

24 Sep 2013 1 1 611
Just me playing around with an image I posted a few weeks back. Thought it would look good in mono!

1987 VW Scirocco GT - E48 GRE

17 Jan 2014 2 2 941
Now then. Depending on how and when you're viewing my work this may or may not be the last in photo in the album, but it is certainly the last of the general shots from this show to be uploaded. Hope you've enjoyed what you've seen.

Artist At Work

12 Jan 2014 1 2 593
Just in case anyone is wondering, I'm simply using that title as a tongue in cheek way of describing any detail shots I can't attribute to a specific vehicle. That's the case here, I don't have any idea which vehicle it was sat atop ... all I knew was it was a shot crying out to be taken. Oh, and I'll also be using that title for any shots that have been heavily tweaked.

Artist At Work

16 Jan 2014 643
Another shot of the fabulous flying horse that adorned this 'mystery' car.

Artist At Work

13 Jan 2014 2 2 601
Yet another detail shot, which I can't identify fully. Must admit I've tweaked this a little just to see how it would look and I'm fairly happy with the outcome.

Artist At Work

13 Jan 2014 560
Detail shot of an old, in fact a very old, mystery Ford.

Artist At Work

12 Jan 2014 731
Detail shot of the mascot on a rare 1949 Ford Ute

22 items in total