autofantasia's photos with the keyword: rings

Rings Of Confusion ...

27 Sep 2015 21 41 1997
The theme for this week's Sunday Challenge was, believe it or not, hold your camera upside down . Now, I have to be honest here and say that right from the beginning, apart from worrying about dropping my camera, I couldn't really see the point of this exercise. Nor could I see how any images we would get would be any different to one taken with the camera the right way up and then flipped at the processing stage or see how you could tell looking at any particular image if it had been produced via the former or latter technique? However, I put on my big boy's pants, manned up (at least as best I could) and decided to go with it. It seemed to me that there were several ways you could approach the challenge. You could just take a 'normal' shot with the camera held the right way around and flip it in processing, but that would be cheating and everyone knows what happens to those Wendi finds doing that! You could take a 'real' upside down shot that would instantly look 'wrong' and play with the viewers sense of perspective and ultimately perhaps even make them question their sanity. Or, you could do what I've done here and take a photo whilst holding the camera upside down of something that is symmetrical and therefore looks pretty much the same as it would if you shot it the right way up. Not the most creative route to take perhaps, but I kind of liked the result and the way that it will no doubt lead some folks to question if I did in fact give into temptation and cheat. However, the more observant of you out there, particularly those who are into their cars or maybe just simply happen to own an Audi, will know this is the real McCoy. How? Surely, it's obvious. The black plastic curves that wrap around the chrome rings should be above them and not below. The red area is actually the leading edge of the bonnet and not part of the front valance or nose cone. Now you believe me ... don't you? You do, don't you?